Chapter 4

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4- Contract

"Hi, sister Mary!" Sid chuckled happily after coming out of the meeting hall. It surprised sister Mary to see him so excited, happy.

"Did she accept?" Sister Mary asked him.

"Yes, such a smart girl you had. You all should be thankful to her. She doesn't want salary instead of that she wants this orphanage." He said with a proud smile.

"What?" Sister Mary asked in surprise yet shock.

"Yes, Sister Mary... We gonna sign the contract and I'm going to give this site papers," He confessed.

"Unbelievable Mr. Sid!! Such an exorbitant amount... Will it affect her life?" she raised a doubt.

"We discussed all terms, and she is willing to that and you can ask from her. Tomorrow I will get papers ready to get her signature and she will sign after you read it," He said with a smirk and left.

As he left, sister Mary made her way to Sana's room where she was sharing the room with three more girls. She called Sana to her room.

"How many years you are signing the contract and are you really sure about it?" Sister Mary asked, patting her head.

"Yes, mother!!" she whispered, holding her tears.

"Are you doing this to save this orphanage?" She asked in worry.

"No, but you said I should think about my future, taking a good job and live independently and help other girls. This offer will complete my future" She said with a heavy heart resting her head in her lap.

"Can you live out of this orphanage? You never went out before," Sister Mary asked, caressing her hair gently.

"Life will teach me," she said, kissing her hand.

"Ok my baby but remember these orphanage doors are always open for you and I will be waiting for you." She said smiling.

"Thanks, mother, can I sleep here tonight?" she requested.

"Sure baby, sleep," she said making her lie on the bed placing her head on the pillow.

"Sana if you are doing this for our orphanage. Don't do it!! Do what your heart says, if you think about others, you can't get your happiness." Sister Mary said with a smile.

"No mother, I'm lucky. God gave me another mother and now God gave me an opportunity to do a small favor by saving this place. Maybe God planned this job for my future" She said, forcing a smile.

"I have seen a lot of kids grown here and left after settling, but you 're the only one special child of this orphanage who always thinks for others. May the Lord give you all happiness and a blessed future," Sister Mary said, planting a kiss on her forehead.

Next morning,

Sid and William came to the orphanage to pick Sana. He was so excited to take her home.

"Here are the papers she should sign!" Sid said sister Mary, forwarding a fake document just designed to fool her. She read them thoroughly and felt better seeing it as a pure job contract with the job description.

"Thank you so much. She is a bright girl and I feel she in good hands," Sister Mary said hopefully.

"Yes, she will be happy, and her life changed," He said with a smirk.

"Where is she? Can I get her sign now?" He asked, checking his watch.

"Yes, please wait in the meeting room. She will be in a minute. "Sister Mary said. He made his way to the meeting room and within a minute, Sana came and stood in front of him.

"So, ready to sign?" He asked with a smile. She nodded, not looking up. He got a bunch of papers from his blazer's inner pocket and placed them on the table before pulling a chair for her.

"Sit, let me explain the contract," He said, taking out the pen. She sat on the chair.

"This is an agreement to lend your body to me at my service. In clear I should say it, signing in these papers is giving off the rights you have on your body!! I own you! In return for this, I will give you 40 millions." He added with a grin.

"How long?" She asked in a low, shaking tone.

"Until I feel enough or until I am alive, whichever is early. Don't worry, my presence or absence won't affect your future. In case I leave you, I'm gonna gift you a lifetime card to maintain yourself and also a house with all facilities. Your life gonna change, dear... You are rich now! " He chuckled, cheering up.

"Rich slave, right!" She asked, not looking up.

"Hmm, let us discuss" He mumbled sitting beside her.

"I respect you and I never treat you like a slave or servant!! And you will get all respect. I will not hurt you." He said in a calm tone.

"Why me?" She asked, looking into his eyes.

"To be frank, I like your figure and innocence. I can buy any girl, but getting you is special. "

"What you expect from me?" She spoke in a calm tone.

"Do you know how stress ball works on a human?" He questioned back.

"When we pressure on a stress ball, the nerves and the muscles stimulate and contract, strengthening them. This improves nervous system functioning and reduces essential hormones, which control and curb stress levels." She said a knowledgeable statement, making him smile at her innocence.

"Baby Dictionary, I want you same as it... When I get stressed out and reach home you want to work like my stress buster and one more it how hard you press the ball it still stays in our hand, and you should learn that arguing or back talking is not good for you... I have high angry issues," He warned with a smirk.

"Hmm, I don't have any option... Say rules " She snapped in a low tone.

"Anything I say is a rule and everyone should follow it because I pay!!" He said in a dominating tone.


"I will do it, but can you promise me one thing, just one?" she requested.

"Yeah, what?"

"Can you protect this orphanage forever? Not today, or tomorrow. It should be forever serving the orphans." She asked. He gave a smile as a reply, followed by words.

"The second you sign my contract, I will write this entire property on your name and you can do anything with this... Anything!!" He pressed the last word.

"Thanks, I will sign. Give me a pen, "she said determinately.

"Great, read in detail and sign. I don't like any blame later, think well I'm gonna make out with you as many times I like whenever I like, and you can't date anyone except me, and you can't get out of my life until I push you out and last I own you" He repeated every clause for her in his words. She signed the papers, taking a deep breath. He signed on the property papers and handled her. She read them thoroughly and felt relieved.

"I can save my orphanage!!" she whispered in happy tears, hugging the documents.

"Thanks for the deal, baby" He whispered, peeking her lips. She widened her eyes in shock at his sudden approach.

"Pack your stuff and don't get any clothes, I have a designer wardrobe for you... Will wait in my car." He said putting her down before walking out.

She gave the orphanage papers to sister Mary and lied to her that she joined in a job, and this is a long-term loan of 10 years and left the orphanage with her bags giving a sendoff.

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