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31- Nightmare!

Author pov,

“Upstairs!!” He whispered in her ear before getting up from his chair near the dining table. She signed in anger. He glared at her and showed his palm, signing them as 5mins. She dropped her spoon in frustration, getting the unwanted attention of his mother.

His mother raised her eyes from her plate to look at Sana.

“What happened? Don’t you like the taste?” She asked with a smile.

“No... Yes... Don’t know... I feel I had full “ She muttered getting up.

“Sit!” she called back in a serious tone. She collapsed back on the chair in fear of her anger.

“Have full and then you can leave. If you don’t like that dish, have another?” She said in a serious tone.

“Like son, like mother!! Both are behind my food!! Stupid menu... I feel like I’m in a zoo to eat this tasteless food” She cursed her fate.

“Have” she had food full and both of them completed their dinner.

“You can go to the room. I have a call to attend, “ She said with a smile. Sana ran upstairs, not wanted to get his angry. She opened the door with a bang, panting. He was shocked to see her panting, holding her abdomen.

“I was just joking. What is the need to run just after dinner!!” He scolded, picking her up. He made her sit on the bed and gave her some water. She gulped some water and returned the glass to him. He stroked her abdomen, pressing with his finger to relax her nerve.

“It’s fine, “ She said, holding his hand to remove it.

“It’s not fine for me” He whispered in a husky tone, moving his hand inside her shirt.

“Just relax!! I won’t make it uncomfortable” He assured, nuzzling her neck. She giggled little making him happy.

“Don’t you like to hug me like I want to” He pouted, pulling away from her.

“Umm... Like“ She whispered shyly.

“Like how you grip my hair while kissing that tight and hard!!” He groaned.

“You don’t give me space; you are always in hurry” she complained like a kid amusing him.

“Aww... So, it’s ok if I’m slow... Means you like it if I was slow!!” he chuckled out excitedly, kissing her cheek. She blushed hard, seeing his reaction. He gently pulled her down on her back, making her lie flat on the bed, and hovered over her.

Sid pov,

“Be free and enjoy!! You can stop me any second. I won’t scold you. “ I said before claiming her lips. I kissed her slow feeling her every inch. She started moving her lips according to mine, driving us into a passionate world. I picked up my pace slower, making her gain. My hands started moving deeper inside her shirt. I unclasped her lingerie, making her jerk. She pushed me out, breaking the kiss.

“Shuu... Relax... You will enjoy” I whispered. A little pampering can make her comfortable. I know, I’m going fast on her. She never had a boyfriend or aware of these things, but still, I’m so selfish in this. I cannot wait... I want to feel her flesh with mine. I want to feel how soft she is inside. She blinked her eyes not responding. I took it as a yes. I moved my hands to her top inside her shirt and rubbed her tummy, increasing her excitement. Her body tensed at my sensual moves. I slid her inner off her shoulder and removed it away from her. She is lying on my bed just in her loose tee and night pant.

“Don’t wear them nights!! It’s not good for health” I said before keeping it under my pillow.

“For my health or for you,” She asked in a sarcastic tone, making me laugh.

“Both” I chuckled, returning my hands to her. I held her twins over her shirt. It’s so soft, like a stress ball. I kneaded it harder, forgetting the fact that she is fragile. She screamed out. I moved out, my free hand covering her mouth. She has bitten my palm, making me scream louder.

“Ahhh” I winced, taking away my hand from her.

“Shuu... Don’t scream! Mom is down,” She taunted back, showing her teeth. God!! This girl.

“Today you’re gone!“ I laughed, tickling her. She laughed under me. Our laugher halted after finding my mom standing at my door admiring us.

“Come in mom, you promised us to say a new story” I called excited. I love hearing stories from her.

“I will tell tomorrow. Today you sleep even I’m tired” She lied, I know she was thinking I need privacy with my baby.

“No mom, we will sleep together. come in” I requested jumping out of the bed. I called her inside, and we all settled on the bed.

Sana is sleeping in the middle as we both like to have free space besides, not so... I want to cuddle her. My mom started saying story, I pulled up the quilt to hide my dirty activities under it. She was too much into the story, taking the opportunity. I moved my hand inside her shirt, causing her a shiver. I pressed her on to me, cuddling. She held my hand to remove it.

“Let it happen” I whispered, kissing her nape. She gently slapped away my face. I made my way inside her shirt. This feels so soft and smooth. She gasped as I sneezed her twin knot between my fingers. She pressed my hand to get release, but I moved around cupping her twins with my single hand bouncing them. This will be the best game I ever played in my life. I don’t want to make it wild and uncomfortable to her in my mom’s presence. I just want to feel her skin. My mom dozen off after completing her story. Soon, she fell asleep in my embrace. I slept a little, kissing her neck.


I was in deep sleep, which was distracted by a kick. I fell apart from her. I opened my eyes with a jerk hearing my baby crying in pain “leave me!! Leave me!“ She sobbed, I felt she is fine, but no... She is still having the same panic attacks of past incidents. I held her tight, taking in my embrace. My mom got worried about seeing her crying. It’s new for her but I’m holding this from past few weeks and I’m the reason for this miserable state. I should have protected her from my dad’s eyes.

“No one is here!! It’s me..“ I whispered, holding her on my chest.

“Leave me!! It hurts!!” she cried, pushing me away in sleep. My mom took hold of her.

“Sana!!.... Open your eyes, baby... Look at me... No one is here to hurt you!!” My mom comforted her. She opened her eyes after a while, calming my heart.

“What happened? Are you alright!!” my mom asked with concern cupping her face. She has broken down, hugging my mom like a kid. No...

“What wrong happened to you?” My mom asked in a calm yet angry tone. No... She shouldn’t know the truth... She will feel bad at my behaviour and my dad too. I pulled her away from my mom and hugged, hiding her face in my chest.

“No... Nothing, mom! She just got a nightmare... It happens mom” I lied, this was my second lie... One is about the contract and the second is my worst behaviour... I hate myself for my stupidity that night. I regret its lifetime.

“Get out!!” My mom yelled at me and turning her face towards her.

“Noone will hurt you. Tell me the truth, what happened?” my mom asked calming her.

“Mom, nothing” I shouted in panic.

“I said you get out!!” she shouted in anger. I’m dead today!

“N... Nothinggg Aunty... Pasttt..... Nowww I am happyyy. He didn’t do anything “ She lied, saving me at gunpoint.

“I said Nah, nothing“ I smiled seating beside them. My mom looked at me to catch my expression. I turned away my eyes from her. I know she found it. I’m gone... She made her sleep on her lap, gently tabbing her hand. Like a baby, she fell asleep on my mom’s lap. She placed her head on the pillow and sighed me to meet her in the balcony.

Done!! My interrogation starts!! I’m dead!!

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