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45- Welcome home

7months of pregnancy,

I feel so new at this phase of life and mood swings are too much. I was not ready for this, but somehow he convinced it to be ok! All the time I’m worried about my baby’s future. He was always by my side assuring me, but somewhere in my heart; the fear is still running on.

Can I really be a good mother?

I was so bored at home alone. I spoke with his mom regularly and she is guiding me with some tips to overcome my mood swings and food lust. I feel to eat anything and everything. Yesterday I had a complete jar of jam. He gave me a big class for eating so much. I stopped attending the office and spending my time with books. The time I’m spending with him is the best time ever. It’s 6 pm but still, he is not home. I’m so alone and badly want a person to talk with.

I feel I’m unlucky. I don’t have any friends, any life, or anything. I’m just born living for him. What the thing I have in life?

Ouch! Someone kicked me in my stomach... I softly caressed my tummy, feeling my baby. “Did you kicked me champ?” I asked, hoping to get some more. Hush!! He didn’t respond... It’s my hallucination.

Hmm, where I stopped!! Yeah, I have none in this world!! Ouuuch!! He kicked me again.

“Ok, you’re there for me!! Is this what you want to say, little monster!!” I snarled, smoothing my womb. ... This happens. He kicks me often but acts calm. when his dad returns from office. Today I should prove to this monster that he reacts to my words.

By 8 pm my idiotic, secret hubby came with a box of chocolates for me.

“Hey, baby!! How is your day?” He chuckled, sanitizing his hands before picking me in his arms. I signed in frustration, showing him my watch.

“Sorry, struck in a meeting. How is my baby? Did he irritate you?” He chuckled, placing me on the bed.

“He kicked me today also” I pouted. He let out a chuckle.

“Maybe you made him angry about something or you made him feel hungry?” He growled, pulling my cheek.

“You only ask him,” I mocked.

“Baby, why you kicked momma? Did she make you angry?” He raised a question, caressing my womb before placing his ear on my stomach. It ticked me.

“He won’t answer you, but kick me,” I growled in frustration.

“See, your mom is scolding us” He snapped out. The little monster kicked me hearing him.

“Ouch, did you feel it!! He did it” I jumped in joy. His eyes were shocked at the feeling. He gave an unbelievable look.

“Tell hubby!!” I giggled, pulling him out of his thoughts.

“Our baby, responding to our words!!” He smiled, kissing my baby bump. I nodded in happiness. That’s one of our auspicious moments of life.

Author pov,

2months later,


Sid is wandering in the corridor, tensed as his wife is screaming in pain in the VIP maternity ward.

“Mom, she is crying so much!! I should have aborted this baby,” Sid cried on the phone.

“Shut up, Sid... It’s common. She will be fine, you can pray to God. Everything will go perfect,” She tried to calm him.

“But she is in pain all because of me,” He snapped in tears.

“Hush, being a mother is an honor. Without this pain, how can we get great outcomes as I got you? Just stay by her side, “His mom convinced.

“Congrats, you are blessed with a baby boy.” The doctor informed, making him jump in happiness. On the line, his mom too heard the news.

“Mom!! It’s a boy mom. I became the father of my baby,” He exclaimed with joy.

“Congrats, my son.” She congratulated him.

“Congrats, you became grandmother” Sid chuckled with overwhelming happiness.

“Yes, so much happy. All good grace”

“Ok mom I want to meet them, I will do a video call morning!” He said hanging up the call.

Sana pov,

I woke up dizzy and my every inch was aching with pain. Everything vanished when I felt a tiny frame lying in the cradling sleeping peacefully. That’s my baby!! I want to see him closer. I want to hug him. Seems he want same.

My baby started crying aloud as his mom has no energy to call someone. Soon a nurse walked in with a smile. She gently lifted my baby from cradle and placed him beside me. He looks same like his dad and had the mole on his shoulder, just like Sid. It seems my baby is hungry. She helped me with my hospital gown to feed my baby. He felt lighter than a shell.

He stopped crying, feeding himself, sucking the milk. I felt relieved looking at him calmly and it gave me peace. Now I felt I got a double reward for the pain I have gone through. His tiny fingers are fisted around my gown, his little legs are so cute.

As he had enough, he fell asleep. In meantime, Sid walked in with a cute smile.

“How are you feeling now?” He asked, clearing my hair strings on my face. I smiled with happiness. He examined our baby, taking in his arms.

“So cute just like you “ He whispered kissing my forehead.

“No, he is like you” I growled with a pout.

“Yes, after all, my son. He gets that naughty look too,” He snickered, nuzzling his nose on him.

“His feet were too cute like yours.” He whispered, kissing our baby’s tiny feet. He sounded so overwhelmed with happiness. He placed him back in the cradle as our baby is in a sound sleep and reached me back.

“Thank you so much, you gave me a precious and beautiful life,” He said with a smile kissing my forehead.

“Thanks for you too. I got a family” I said with a smile squeezing his hand.

“What name you want to give him?” He asked my opinion. I thought he may decide it himself.

“You say, I never thought it,” I smiled.

“I want his mother to name him as she is the one who had borne all pain,” He mumbled in a soft tone.

Ian!” I said the name, which I wanted to be given my son.

“Ian, a gift from God!! That’s a wonderful choice.” He chuckled in excitement, kissing my cheek. He walked to our baby and whispered his name in his tiny ear.

“Ian, did you like your name?” He giggled swinging the cradle. To my surprise, he moved his tiny hands and legs, rolling still with his closed eyes.

“Our baby loved it!!” He smiled making me happy.

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