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Sana pov,

It’s the worst feeling ever. This is what sister Mary always said about the outside world is not easy. Its worst, disgusting, dirty. I never expected that my life would take such a change. A man asked me to have a contract and the same man’s father tried to molest me... It’s not as easy to overcome. No girl in life should be in my situation. Why only me!!

I cried out, cursing my fate under the running water. I tried to wash away the dirty touch of my body. I want to be pure... I feel death is better than this hell...

“Baby!! Open the door!!” He knocked on the door. I don’t want to see anyone... I collapsed on the floor under the shower. He opened the door and entered the bathroom forcibly.

He picked me away from the shower, turning it off and carried me out, wrapping a towel around me.

“Don’t cry!” He whispered, placing his hand around my shoulder. I pushed him back. How can he say that... His dad such... Like dad like son... Both are just disgusting...

“Baby please” He uttered, bending down to reach me.

“Why me? Why only me? Why all are seeing me as a toy to play with? Why all are seeing me with evil eyes? Am I really that worst that also thinking to use me as they like? Why me?” I burst out.

“Nothing like that baby, listen to me”

“No, tell the truth... You also made a contract with me just for my body. You also wanted to play with me!! Why me!! Why every man behind me!!” I cried, holding his collar, collapsing on his legs. He threw me on the bed. I was about to jump out of bed, but he dragged me back onto the bed.

“Chuppp!! Dare you cry anymore... Shut up and sit quiet!!” He shouted in anger. I was broken, I don’t have any energy left to fight back.

“Not all men are same and at least I’m not same... I have my own sense and thinking. He is lusty but I’m not so disgusting. I’m not him. I accept, I accept... I did everything forcibly, but you signed it willingly. I never took advantage of that contract. I did mistake once misunderstanding you, but I never repeat... Give me one chance... I will say every truth about my life... I promise... Once, only once, trust me... I will never let you down... Please, only one chance” He cried sitting on the floor beside my bed. I never saw him crying like this... This is not the Devil. Does he have any past?

“What you mean by truth?” I asked, wiping my tears.

“I have two different worlds... What world is looking at me and what I’m in real... As I said you my parents are divorced... Because my dad was not satisfied with one. He wants change every second. He is an American and my mom is an Indian. She named me as “Sid” but after getting my legal custody, my dad changed my name to ‘ Siddarth Edward. This life, this anything, is not according to my wish. Everything is given by him! My identity and everything. If I say his truth, I felt you will see me cheap, I felt you will hate me more. But I swear I’m not such a person. I’ve never seen any girl with wrong eyes. It’s only you... The amount I gave you for that contract is my money. My savings, which I saved in my salary, to gift my mom. Everything I spent on you and my mother is out of my hard work. I never wasted his money. He won’t let me marry the girl I like! So, I decided not to get married. I decided to live single, but seeing you, my decision changed. I really want to spend my life with you. I really want you! Please, I promise... No man will trouble you... I will be your bodyguard. I will be your slave. I will do anything you want, but please don’t be broken. I can’t see you crying!! Please!! One chance. I will keep you happy forever. I can do anything for you.” He confessed with teary eyes. I never expected this type of truth from him. Did he really said the truth? Should I believe it? But he is so rude. He always hurts me. I shouldn’t believe him blindly.

“Don’t tell me stories, I know you are so worst like your dad!!” I shouted in anger.

“I’m not!!” He said, getting up from the floor.

“You’re!!” I spat in anger.

“I’m not!!” He shouted in anger, fisting his hand. I crawled back on my bed in fear.

“Change your dress and rest?“ He said walking out of my room closing the door with a bang.

Sid pov,

I never lie to her! I never lie to her!! I’m not like my dad!! I’m not him!! I screamed, punching my punching bag. I moved to my bar counter and opened my scotch bottle. As I lifted the bottle to have it full, my wish left incomplete, remembering her teary face.

Hush!! She hates alcohol. I pity my life. Caring for someone is just a hell. Everyone around me are playing football with my fucking life. What the crap left in my life to feel happy and proud. Nothing!! He messed my life. He messed my childhood. I lost my identity. The only reason he is alive today is my mom. How can he touch my girl!!

A phone call halted my tears. Something good I have seen today. “My mother “

“Mom!“ I whispered, holding back my tears.

“Why you’re sounding low?” She asked instantly. I wonder how she finds my pain just hearing my tone.

“Mom, Can you once visit my place? “I asked.

“what? Why?”

“I want you to meet one special person. Please, can you come for me?” I spoke, hiding my broken tone. I want to cry, falling on her lap. I want someone to hug me tight and assure me that my life’s going to change.

“Sure, my son,” She said hanging the call. I wiped out my face and got a plate full of food to serve Sana.

“I don’t want anything!” She said stubbornly.

“Have, when you like!!” I said placing the plate on the table. I grabbed my sleeping pills and had a pill and lay on the couch...

“I locked the door inside. I had pills. I won’t disturb you. Sorry for whatever happened and don’t open the door even you hear a knock.“ I said before dozing off. Alcohol makes me forgot my past, but these pills help me to forget myself, and soon sleep consumed me, gifting me beautiful darkness.

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