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35- Grand proposal

Sana pov,

My life is fantastic, every second is going happily. I never felt he will be so good inside. I felt everything in life ended up with this contract, but my life started turning good after meeting him. He loves me and I can feel it. He cares for me. His mother played cupid for us, and he changed really good after she left. He started spending more time with me. He is talking, smiling, and many more. All the things I missed since my childhood are returned triple the count. All because of his mom. She gave me back my lost happiness, erasing the misunderstandings. He stopped touching me romantically. His touch turned gentle. I feel why not he is touching me like that; I miss it, but if I express him, he will return like a monster. I’m not interested in pulling his tail. Let me enjoy this beautiful moment of life. I stopped bothering about the future. Right now, I feel happy with the person I have. Just like a prince, but a monster prince.

After a long break, I rejoined my office. I wished my colleagues and turned to walk to my cabin. I seriously don’t Wanna see that Amber face again.

“Hi, Angel!” James chuckled walking to the door.

“Hey! How is your mom doing?” I asked, walking to him.

“Yep. She is doing well, got discharged from the hospital and she will be perfect within a month. All thanks to you.” He said thankfully,“ but what I did, it’s all Mark” I smiled.

“Yes, but you’re the one who expressed him about my problem with all courage. You know right, none can dare to utter a word with him. “ He said in a scared tone.

“He is not a monster. Our boss, he is a little strict but had a good heart” I said smiling remembering him.

“Yes, I came to know it recently“ He chuckled.

“Let’s go, I think I left all my work incomplete” I muttered, walking into my cabin. The room looked new. Everything is arranged uniquely, just like I wanted. Two tables and two chairs and the back wall painted pink, and a bunch of roses are stuck in the vase on my table. It amused me. The new makeover is fantastic. I jumped in joy.

“How this happened?” I asked James in surprise.

“Mr. Sid wanted to apologize to his employee for punishing her with no mistake.” A familiar voice came from behind. I turned towards the door and surprised to see Sid, who was standing with a bouquet of beautiful flowers. I smiled at him.

“Sorry for that day,” He said, forwarding the bouquet. Public apologies!! Mr. Siddharth Edward is apologizing to his employee in public… it’s called an 8th wonder.

“A health workplace will increase more efficiency“ I chuckled. He smiled at my comment.

“Sure, ” he stepped towards me and whispered “ sweetheart!” In my ear. I controlled my glowing face to be normal. He left after dropping a wink at me.

Sid pov,

Her blush turns me crazy. I feel to take retirement from this boring work in my 20s itself. Today I’m going to propose her for our secret marriage. I hope she will accept my proposal. I ordered a special bouquet of her favourite red roses and a beautiful diamond ring. Suddenly I’m feeling so different inside me which I ever felt. Am I happy, excited, nervous or what?

The clock signed 5. I grabbed my phone and dialed William.

“Did you make arrangements?” I asked William.

“It’s perfect sir, please check the pictures which I will share now,” He said, hanging the call. I opened my message box and checked the venue pictures. It’s so romantic beach view. She will love it!! I appreciated William’s effort and dropped a text to my baby to meet me in the parking lot.

I took my personal elevator and got in my car. I waited a few couple of minutes in my Mercedes-Benz. Every second felt like an hour. Soon she got on my side, unlocking my car door.

“Skipping office 30mins prior is unprofessional sir” she teased pulling her seat belt.

“We are going on a date!” I chuckled with a wink.

“Date!! Really where?” She asked excitedly.

“Surprise, wait and watch” I said starting my engine. She pouted, folding her hands.

“Going on a date with your boss, also unprofessional?” I teased,

“Yeah, who knows that this boss has a secret girlfriend” she chuckled pulling my legs.

“Stop teasing or else I’m going to end up kissing you now” I giggled,

“Hush, go… take me anywhere… let me have a short nap,” he said, closing her eyes. I drove quietly all my way. Finally, I reached the private beach where I decided to propose her. I parked my car, turning off my engine and pulled out a blindfold and tied it around her eyes. She woke up with a jerk.

“What are you doing?” She shouted, pulling the cloth. I held it tight around her eyes.

“Surprise!” whispered, she left her struggle. I tied it securely and picked her in my arms.

I carried her all the way 200 meters and landed her on the sand carpeted with rose petals. I walked behind and untied her blindfold.

I stood besides, waiting to see her happiness. She slowly opens her eyes and jumped in joy.

“Wonderful, !!” She yelled in joy.

“Did you like it?” I asked with a smile. She jumped on me, wrapping her legs around my waist.

“It’s so wonderful, just like movies… woww!” She shouted in joy. I never saw her so happy ever in this 3months. She got down from me. I held her hand, and we walked on the path to reach the rose circle. She turned around admiring the decoration. I grabbed the flower bouquet hidden beside the pillar and got on my knee in front of her. She closed her mouth in surprise at my gesture.

“I know I can’t be a filmy boyfriend. I know my desires are too much. I know I can’t make a court marriage official announcement, but the feelings I have for you are true. I promise to keep you happy forever, being my family. I Wanna Sid you as mine after completing your every dream. Will you give me the honor of fulfilling our dream? Will you marry me? Will you be my secret wife?” I confessed, my heartbeat raised at her silence. Will she reject me?

“No” she whispered, breaking my heart.

“What!! Why?”

“Really, are you proposing me that also on your knees? I think I’m daydreaming,” She said not believing the life.

“It’s not a dream, my legs are in pain, please” I pleaded raising the bouquet.

“I will accept, but on some conditions,” she said with an evil smile.

“What! “

“You should never get angry at me?”… Ok next

“You should never shout or beat me!” Ok next

“You should get me chocolate daily” She giggled.

“Anything for you princess, but I will bite you “ I chuckled.

“Yes, you’re welcome… my to be secret hubby” she whispered taking the flowers and hugging me. Finally, I got a girl who can accept me as I’m.… I’m so happy.

“Is this love?” She whispered in my embrace.

“I don’t know, but I love this confusion. I need you in my life with all happiness.“ I said, breaking the hug. I gave her the gift box to unwrap it... She removed the tiny thread holding the box and got out the flight tickets.

“Paris!” She jumped, kissing my cheeks. I know she dreamt of a vacation in Paris.

“Yes, Paris... We are going to get married there and have a sweet honeymoon” I said in a husky tone.

“Your best” she whispered, snuggling in my chest.

“You made me best, baby!” I smiled, kissing her forehead. A day to be marked. .... I proposed a girl and I’m getting married... The girl I desired for is ready to accept me with flaws.

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