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37- Set in fire (1)

Sid pov,

We returned to our suite and changed our customs. She felt relaxed after dropping that heavy frock and I helped her to unzip it, taking my time to explore her. I gently brushed my fingers on her bareback over her strip. She shivered, feeling my icy fingers.

“I’m tired, can we rest for a while,” she asked with all hesitation, might be scared too.

“Sure, even I’m tired of the journey. Let us sleep for a while” I said moving back. I grabbed a pair of shorts and a tee. She left to change and in meanwhile, I changed into my shorts. I don’t feel like wearing a shirt. I just lied on my bed waiting for her. She returned, pulling her shorts to cover her thighs.

“If you pull more, it will be in the floor “ I chuckled smirking.

“Why you got so short one?” She pouted in anger.

“I felt not to let you wear anything at least a month after our marriage as it saves my time to remove or rip!!” I groaned, pulling her on me.

“You are destroying human rights?” She taunted.

“Acha, such a big word “human rights?” We will discuss all rights and reserves at night, umm… Or now?” I smirked, making her shiver. She made a puppy face and lied quietly. I gently patted her back, making her sleep peacefully.

My baby is sleeping peacefully, unaware of the night session. I’m so excited to be night. As she lost in deep sleep, I adjusted the pillow under her head and left to decorate my room.


She woke from her deep sleep and jumped at the surprise I arranged for her. She jumped out of the bed, landing on the flower carpet, which I spread on the floor.

“Do you like it?” I asked, standing behind her. She is busy checking on the colorful candles and flowers around her.

“It’s tremendous, you best hubby!!” She jumped, hugging me. Did she call me that?

“What you called now?” I asked again to check on my ears.

“Hmm.… hubby… actually we got married like… I know we are not like a normal couple, but just… I called in flow… sorry, I will not repeat” she mumbled with a sad face.

“No, I don’t have a problem with that… you can call me hubby forever” I said with a smile.

“Really….My Hub” She jumped on me, wrapping her hands around my neck. I kissed her cheek. I carried her in my arms towards the table and we cut the cake, celebrating our wedding. She had half of the black forest cake messed her face.

“Shall I eat this half also, hubby?” She asked, licking her creamy fingers. I feel to suck them too.

“No, eat tomorrow. Now come and have dinner,” I said, faking seriousness to avoid my dirty mind. Her face changed after hearing the word ‘dinner’ all the time. She wants chocolate and cakes but holds a red flag for healthy food.

“come… or else, you will see Siddarth” I warned in a serious tone.

“I’m full, can’t eat any” She pouted.

“Will you or shall I?” I warned one last time before getting up from the chair.

“Please,“ She pouted wrapping her hands around my neck. She kissed my cheek, seducing me. She learned well to control me, but it’s burning… even I don’t want dinner. I want direct dessert.

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