chapter 11 ♣ much ado about kate

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"In other words, her name is just the Italian form of my name"

He nods his head in understanding so I continue

"She and I were so much alike. Our hair, eyes, beauty even the temper. My mom was hotblooded and I was practically her doppelganger, only a younger version of her. I loved her so much and always followed her footsteps. She in turn, trusted me and would tell me secrets she didn't tell the rest of the family and I do the same too. We were really close until a few years ago. She suddenly started acting strange. Occasionally, she started taking flights like almost everyday. She would take a flight late afternoon and come back every morning for more than 5 times a week.

I usually asked her where she usually went to but she wouldn't tell me and soon after, she started changing too. She became cold and distant and started picking up unnecessary fights with my Dad.

My mom would insult my Dad alot and my dad being the weak and kind hearted man, wouldn't even raise a finger at her. He simply kept quiet and bore the insults.

Though she still treated me and my siblings very well and only shouted at my dad and me being me, i would try to separate them only to find out that my father didn't do anything wrong and my mom was the cause of the whole issue nevertheless, she would start another fight with him again the next day.

I knew my mom was hotblooded and easily got angry but i had never seen her that angry with my Dad before. The abuse was just so much everyday that one day, my dad started to cry.

I felt so much pity for him because while i was extremely loyal to my mom, I also loved my Dad to pieces. Ever since I was small, he never raised his hand to beat me. He would only slightly reprimand me and trust me to make the right decisions. He would usually sit me down late in the night while everyone was asleep and advice me about the ups an downs of life and how I can overcome them. He thought me how to be a responsible and disciplined child since I was the firstborn who needed to take over her father's company and also take care of her younger ones.

I usually shouted at him but he just smiled, sometimes grew nervous when it became too much but he knew that, that was my own way of showing that I loved him. He knew I didn't mean any of it and therefore never took any of them to heart.

So that day when I saw my Dad cry, I made up my mind that I was going to talk to my mom.

"Mommy why're you doing this? Why're you doing this to daddy? Why're you breaking your home with your own hands? Don't you love us?" I had asked my Mon one day but she simply smiled at me with tears glistening her eyes

"I'm sorry baby, I'm sorry Kate. I didn't mean to pick a fight with your dad but i'm doing this for his own good. I'm doing this so that it would be easier to let me go. I love you guys very much but this is simply not my life. I cannot stand it here"

"Mummy what do you mean? What's happening? I don't understand you, you're speaking in riddles..... peharps are you drunk?"

"Haha! No my dear. I'm a responsible woman, I don't drink" she had answered me smiling though it didn't reach her eyes

"Then what's going on?" I asked with worried eyes

"Don't worry Kate, you will understand soon enough" she had answered me back

A/n:- I'm dedicating this chapter to shewolfz for his simple awesomeness, you've really made me happy bro. Also, I'm sorry for not updating on time, a lot of things ad been taking my time lately and a lot more would still take my time. For the next 3 months, updates won't be often, don't get me wrong, I'll still be updating. I usually update 3 to 4 chapters in a week before but now its going to be reduced to 1 to 2 chapters a week. I've been on holiday since that's why I could update 3 chapters a week but this Monday, school is going to start again and my top priority us my book as from on Monday which means every other thing is my second priority so, I'll see update every week an please guys, vote and comment. Just tap that star right now as you're reading this, it doesn't take any energy at all, just tap it right now please ad you're reading this, it doesn't broke any energy at all so I'm please begging you to did so for my sake. Thanks a lot, see you in my edit update hopefully soon enough. As soon as I finish with my author's note right now, I'm going to start the next chapter though I might not finish it today hopefully tomorrow and that may also likely be the last update till on friday but I might have time to update before that Friday, I still don't know. Thank you once again, you've been the most I interesting readers to work with especially the ones who'vebeen active and making me happy by voting. Wish you all a successful weekend!!!!! Love ya alot! Bye! Pls don't 4get to tap that empty star as you go! Thanks alot!!!!!

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