《•~Chapter 2. A Fantasyland~•》

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Ugh...seriously? Why her of all people? What should I even say? "Hello"? Oh gosh...this is soo awkward. Deep breaths, Heather. Deep breaths. "Hey, Jenna." I say, awkwardly. Jenna looks at me for a second before responding.


"Hey..." I say to Heather as I get up. "Where are you going?" Heather asks me. "I'm gonna go figure out what this place is exactly." I answer. "Oh. Do you mind if I tag along?" Heather asks me, getting up and dusting herself off. "No, I don't mind..." I answer. We walk off and immediately see cherry blossom trees all over. And then a cherry blossom leaf falls on my head. Heather picks it up from my head and looks at it. "It's so pretty!" She says, wearing a warm smile with a twinkle in her gorgeous blue eyes. "Yeah, it is." I say, chuckling. "Man...there are a shit-ton of cherry blossom trees..." I say, laughing awkwardly. "Yeah, there are..." Heather says, looking at the cherry blossom trees as we pass by.


These trees are beautiful! I wonder who grew them. "Heather, look out!" My life suddenly flashes before my eyes and before I know it, I'm out cold...


Oh no...please be ok. The strange looking wolf starts growling at me. I picked Heather up, and ran away as fast as I could without looking back. I see a house in the distance and I ran in without thinking. But there was no time to think. This was a fight-or-flight kind of situation. I got up and closed the door locking it as well so that that "thing" wouldn't come in. I don't know what the hell that thing is...but I've never seen anything like it before. It was huge and it looked hangry. Like it hadn't eaten in days. Considering the fact that they bit Heather's right forearm off. I couldn't see a first aid kit anywhere. And then I saw someone walk downstairs. It was a little girl she had lots of hair almost like Rapunzel, except she had jet black hair, and lifeless eyes. "Who are you?" She spoke. "I-I'm Jenna Campbell." She looked at me for a second. "What are you doing here in my home?" She asks me. "I don't know...wait this is your house?" I ask. "Yes..." She mumbles. "It's nice!" I say, smiling. "Oh...thank you." She says, smiling. "I don't mean to be rude but, who are you?" I ask her out of curiosity. "I'm Michiko Tsumurugi. And I used to live a happy life. Until I came out as lesbian to my catholic parents...when I did come out, they came in my room and stabbed me in the heart with a butcher knife almost fifteen times." She says, her voice getting lower. "Whoa. Some parents you have. Sorry, had." I say, chuckling a bit. She walks over to Heather and looks at her right arm. "Where is her forearm? Is she dead too?" She asks me. "Uhhh no..." I reply. "Then, what on earth happened to her?" She asks, concerned. "Some strange looking wolf bit her right forearm off. Luckily, we got away before it could do anything extreme." I answer. "Hmmm...ok. I think I know how to heal her." She says to me, confidently. "Really? How?" I ask out of curiosity.


Huh? Who are you? What's going on? Hello there, I am Michiko Tsumurugi. And I'm here to bring you back to life. And how in the world are you going to do that? Just...relax. And close your eyes. Okay...? The next thing I know, I've regained my consciousness back and I have arm cast on my right arm. "Whoa. How did you do that?" I ask her. Before she could answer, she starts glitching. "Apparently, I must go...I hate to say goodbye so soon but I have to. Goodbye, Jenna. Goodbye, Heather. So long!" She then vanishes into thin air. "What the..." I say, bemused. "So...wanna go check out the bedrooms and see which one you want?" Jenna asks, looking at me. "Yeah!" I answer. "Last one in is a rotten egg!" Jenna says, as she starts running up the stairs. So childish! I could never. I then proceeded to join her and I got the second best room. "It's good but...you got the best room!" I say in a whiny tone. "I told you, last one in is a rotten egg. I guess...you just didn't understand the assignment." Jenna says in a smug tone. I roll my eyes and walk into the room. I make myself comfortable on the circular bed and soon drift off into a deep sleep.


A/N: I really hope you enjoyed! This took longer to write than I expected it to lol. Mainly because I got writers block. But um yeah...see you next chapter! Baiiiii! :)

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