《•~Chapter 9. Examination•~》

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The next day, we all started looking around in the cave. We found a couple of different colored diamonds and then Michiko appeared with the dagger. "Here, take it." She spoke. I carefully took the dagger out of her hand and examined it for a while. "What is it?" Heather asked. "We can't use this to escape, this is a normal knife." I responded.


Dammit! "So I was wrong...?" I asked, gloomily. "Yeah..." She responded. "Wait, so I was in that ring for nothing?!" Michiko yelled. "I wouldn't say for nothing...this dagger isn't for escaping, but it is for cutting. Also most likely used for hunting." She starts, "I used to imagine people, animals, and strange creatures in my head. And I imagined hunters that were hunting down these strange creatures and killing them..." She finished. "But what happened to everyone? We're the only ones here." I asked. "My imagination has faded over the years, and so the people in it have also faded." She responded, gloomily. "Oh..." I said. "So, how else are y'all going to get out here?" Michiko asked. "Don't know. But when we get out of here, we're taking you with us. In that ring." I said, reassuring Michiko. "Really?! I was actually going to tell you guys that I was going to with you guys inside the ring! But I just needed to find someone to wear the ring." Michiko responded happily. "Hmm...Jenna, why don't you wear it?" I suggested. "Mmm...nah, I'm good." She replied. "Ok, I guess I'll wear it then." I say, shrugging. Michiko hands me the ring and I put it on. Jenna walks off and Michiko and I follow behind.


I found a bunch of scrolls in a corner and picked them up. I opened the scroll, blew the dust off, and began reading it. Heather and Michiko began reading it with me.


" Dear JJ,
We must leave soon! This town is disappearing. This might sound comical but I'm being serious. Everything is gone. I don't want you to die, you're the only sister I have and we've got to stick together! Don't worry about the others, family comes first, remember? But also, you come first. Even if I don't make it, you can. I know you can. I'm at the cave, and I've opened the portals. Meet me here. If you don't, you will die. And that'll be on you. I don't want to sound rude because our lives are in danger, but we need to hurry up and leave!
-Your big sister, Laurel "

" Dear Laurel,
I'm currently holding your sister hostage. And I'll make sure that she never escapes. And don't you try to rescue her, you will fail trying to and will also end up dead. I have her tied to a chair, and if you interfere, you'll be turned into stone. So don't. This is a warning, Laurel. This is me warning you to not mess with me ever again. I tried to make your sister mine but you kept getting in the way. So this is the only way. DON'T RUIN THIS FOR ME.
-Yours truly, Aika "

" Dear Aika,
You're sick, you know that? Real fucked in the head, you've got some screws loose. If you wanted my sister, you could've asked her out. How was I supposed to know that you liked her? I thought you two were only best friends, but this is on another level. I never thought it'd go this far. You literally kidnapped my baby sister! This is too far, and you know it!!!! She'll never like you now. NEVER, you freak!"
-JJ's big sis, Laurel

" Dear Laurel,
You think you know every single thing. Do you understand how hard it is for me?! Not only is it hard to ask someone the same gender as you out, especially in our school, but I don't even think I'd have the courage to do that. Because I'm afraid of her laughing in my face and then friend zoning me in front the of the school. That would've been humiliating. And also, not everyone is like you, okay?! I'm a very shy person. And I get nervous easily. So if I had fumbled over my words, then what?! I would've screwed everything up. EVERYTHING!! So just stay out of this, alright?!"
-Sincerely, Aika "


Whoa. "What the hell..." I said. Because that was all I could say. What in the world?! Who's JJ??? Who's Laurel??? Who's Aika?!?!? I had so many questions. "Laurel, JJ, and Aika...are my old friends. We were all in middle school, and Aika had a huge crush on JJ. JJ and Aika also hung out a lot more, due to Laurel being in detention. Laurel was always known to be such a troublemaker at our school but we still loved her. Eventually, Aika was going to ask her out but was afraid that she'd get rejected. And so, after the final day of eighth grade, we all met up at the park like usual. And we talked for a while before we had to go home. After that, we went home and went to sleep. But...yeah..." Said Michiko. Me and Jenna stared at her blankly, trying to process all of the things she said. "Oh...uhhh...ok...?" I said. Michiko sighed heavily and closed the scrolls up. "C'mon. We'll come back tomorrow." Michiko said, as she walked out of the cave. We shrugged and followed behind her.


A/N: This chapter is longer than I expected to be but...I hope you enjoyed anyways. Have a good day/night! Bye! :)

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