《•~Chapter 11. Back At School•~》

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Shoot! I'm late to class! I walked quickly to class, not trying to get in trouble for running in the halls. I take a deep breath and walk into class. Everyone, including the teacher, stared at me like they had seen a ghost. I see Heather gesturing me to come sit by her. I walk over to her, and sit next to her. The teacher turns around to face the board again, and starts teaching. Heather passes me a note that says, "Wanna be my lunch buddy~?" I pick up my pencil, and wrote my answer down, and then passed the note back to her.


I looked at the note and she wrote, "Yeah, I would love to! <33" I looked at her and smiled. She smiles back.
At Lunch
I see Jenna walking over to my table, and she sits down beside me. My friends look at me confused. "Oh, right! Everyone, meet Jenna. My soon-to-be girlfriend." I say. Jenna waves at them, and they wave back. "Nice to meet you. I'm Candice, but just call me Candy!" She said. "I'm Jackie. 'Pleasure to meet you." She said. "I'm Jack, Jackie's brother." He said. "I'm Toffee, Candice's girlfriend." She said. "I'm Momoki Watanabe, Heather's foreign friend, heheheh." She said. "That's not all of my friends though. Some of my friends transferred to another school. But we still talk. On the phone." I said. "Ah, ok." Jenna said. "What should we eat for lunch? Because y'all know I'm not eating that nasty shit they call lunch here." Said Jackie. "How about...McDonald's?" Toffee suggested. "No, they ice cream machine don't work, and I'm in the mood for some ice cream. Pick again." Jackie responded, harshly. "Well, damn..." Toffee said, becoming a little sad. Candice pulled her into a hug and suggested, "How about Chick-fil-A?" Jackie nodded and got her phone out. She ordered us Chick-fil-A and snuck out of the school building to get it. She came back five minutes later, and we began eating. "How did you get back in without anyone seeing you?" Jack said. "I've been doing this shit since middle school. Trust me, I know what I'm doing." She responds, smugly. Jack rolled his eyes and began eating his lunch.


After school
Once Heather's friends crossed the sidewalk, it was just me and her. We walked home together hand-in-hand. "Your friends are cool...and crazy. But really cool." I said. "Thank you." She said, smiling. "So...how do you feel about froyo?" She asked me. "What?" I was confused since I've never heard of froyo before. "Froyo...frozen yogurt...?" She said. "Oh! Sorry." I said, awkwardly. "It's okay." She said, rubbing her thumb on mine. "I think froyo's good. Why?" I respond. "No reason." She responds. I make it to my house and walk to the doorstep. "Damn, I hate letting go of your hand! But I had to..." Heather said. I laughed and said, "See you later, Heather." She waved me goodbye and I went inside of my house, closing and locking the door behind me.


I walk over to my house and walk inside, closing and locking the door behind me. I see my abuela talking to my mom. She stops and walks over to me to hug me tightly. "Abuela, what are you doing here?" I asked. "I came to visit! I wanted to see how my nieta was doing. And my sweet hija." She responded. I chuckled and she went into the kitchen. I followed behind. "Wanna help me make some cheesecake?" She asked. I nodded. After we made cheesecake, we all sat down and ate it. "How come I never see my son-in-law?" Abuela asked my mom. Mom went from normal to suspiciously quiet. "Mom, what's wrong?" I asked, concerned. She doesn't answer and finishes her cheesecake. She gets up and puts her dish in the sink and then walks into her room and closes the door. "What was that about?" Abuela asked. "I don't know..." I said, shrugging.


I got in my chair and I started streaming. "Hey guys. Sorry that I've been gone for a long time. Y'all must've thought I went missing...well yeah I did. But I'm back so don't worry." I said. "XxXJadaXxX donated ten dollars: Can you react to that one video called, "This Cup Turns Any Drink Into A Slushy!!!"?" The donation read. "Sure...?" I said, hesitantly


"I regret ever watching this. It's the way he stares at me! Creeps me out...but anyways...that's enough reacting to stuff...let's just...move on." I said as I click off of the video. "Okay, so I found this game called, 'FNAF'. Actually, you guys wanted me to play it, so I found it and..." I said, before being rudely interrupted by my sister coming in and saying, "Dinner's ready, weirdo!" And then she walks away, without even closing my door. I sigh and get up to close my door, and then text her that I'll be down in a minute. After I was done streaming, I went downstairs and nobody was there. Though, I wasn't really surprised because it was four in the morning. I got my dinner and went back upstairs. And after I ate dinner, I went to sleep.

A/N: I'm so sorry this took a long time to come out! I got writer's block again! Hopefully, your enjoyed this chapter though! See you next chapter! ♡♡♡

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