《•~Chapter 12. Art Project•~》

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At school, in art class
"...No way, I have to work with them?" I asked. "Yes, Ms. Hernandez." The teacher responded. I made a face. "C'mon, Heather. Don't be like that." She said. "Fine." I said back.
After art class, in the library
"I still don't get why you're so upset about working with them." Michiko said from inside the ring. "It's just that..." I said, but pause when I see my classmates that I'll be working with pass by. Great. They proceeded to introduce themselves. "I'm Velma, nice to meet you!" She said. "I'm Helga." She said, unenthusiastically. A few moments passed, and we were working on our art project. "Heather, can you please pass me those crayons?" Velma asks. I pass the crayons over to her. "Thanks!" She says. I nod.
After school, in the park
"Jenna!!" I called. After I called her name a few more times, she pops out of the bushes and surprises me by hugging me from behind, causing me blush a little bit. "You surprised me, you goofball!" I said, playfully. "That was the plan!" She said back, playfully. She starts walking off and gestures me to follow her. I do and we end up in a greenhouse. "What are we doing here?" I ask her. She doesn't really answer by telling me, but by showing me. And she showed me a bunch of crystal shards, a hammer, and a scroll.


"This absolutely fascinates me!" I said, excitedly. Heather shook her head and started observing the crystal shards. "Who knows? Maybe someone was a miner who mined for crystals and then they suddenly stopped." Heather said. "That might be true." I said. I pick up the scrolls and gesture Heather to come sit next to me. She does, and we both start reading the scroll.


" Dear JJ,
I wasn't sure whether to write to you or not, since we don't really talk anymore because of what happened between us years ago but...I think I know how to make us rich. We can sell these crystals shards, and make lots of money off of it. We'd make so much money, that we could buy a mansion. And we could live together! And then we can get married, maybe adopt some kids together? I know what you might be thinking, Aika, why would I want to get married with you and adopt kids with you when you literally kidnapped me a few years ago? Well, listen, I'm not like that anymore! I want to make things right! And I'm never gonna give you up, I'm never gonna let you down, I will never run around and desert you, I'll never make you cry, I will never say goodbye, never gonna tell a lie and hurt you, because I love you. So I'm coming over with the crystal shards. See you soon! <3
-Yours truly, Aika "


Jenna seemed really happy for some reason. But I didn't mind, because I loved her beautiful smile. "Heather, do you know what this means?!" She asked, ecstatically. "No...?" I responded, chuckling slightly. She shifted and said, "It means that there's more to uncover." I start laughing. "What's so funny?!" Jenna asks, frowning. "No, no, no, no, no, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings or anything. I was just..." I respond and then I get interrupted by Jenna putting her index finger on my lip, as if she was shushing me. "I was just playing around." Jenna says in a low tone. Jenna smiles and then I appear to be mad. She takes her finger off of my lips and then kisses me. "Jeez, I can never stay mad at you!" I say, while looking into her beautiful light hazel eyes.


I pull out my phone and check the time. "Shit! It's time for me to go home. See ya later!" I say. "See ya later!" She says back. I get up and walk out of the greenhouse, and start walking to my house.


I do the same, walk out of the greenhouse, and go home.
At home, in Heather's room
I was working on the project with my classmates. Helga was sitting next to me really close, while Velma was sitting across from us. A few minutes later, we finally finished our art project and then Velma gets up and leaves, waving goodbye. Helga, however, stayed. "Thank God she's gone!" Helga said. I was confused on what she meant by that, but then she did something unexpected. She leaned closer to me, and we locked lips. I was shocked and mad at the same time. I pushed her off of me and she makes a face. "Hey! What the hell did you do that for?!" She goes. "You literally locked lips with me and I'm...seeing...someone...at...the...moment..." I say slowly, as I spot Velma at the door. "Shit!" Helga says. "It's not what it looks like, I swear!" I say. Velma shook her head and grabs her backpack that she had forgotten in my room, and then leaves. Helga grabs her backpack and leaves as well. "Well...that just happened..." Michiko said from inside the ring. "Yeah..." I said. I sigh and then say, "When Jenna finds out about this, she's going to be pissed!" Michiko then says, "Yeah, you think?"


A/N: This chapter was definitely something. Heheheh. See you next chapter! Bye! ♡♡♡

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