Pop Goes the Doctor!

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It's another day at the library and everyone working per usual while snow fell outside the large gothic windows near the front desks. The heat set comfortably on all floors, prevented the employees from feeling the frosty chill in the breeze as it passed through the downtown area.

Working diligently in organizing shelves, checking books in and out, maybe sort through records and see who's defaulting on their book returns, going from there, Lila felt the heat on her thick long sleeve shirt.

Everyone in their corners working, it's a slow day at the library since nobody wanted to be outside in the cold, except of course the workers at the library, but semantics aside, it's a slow day.

So slow, that even Hammond's not in a meeting today, busied with work in his office, but routinely walked around his floor, checking on everyone's progress.

Of course, checking on his little brother, who's shelving books as he went between aisles.

Too cold out, lunch is inside the library, because rightfully, nobody wanted to go anywhere outside unless it's going home for the evening.

Bill's on her vacation, the lucky duck, and everyone else's working before the holidays.

Lila's curious as to what the Smith siblings planned, she didn't see them having a roast together unless perhaps Hamon and Odette got them together, even then, Odette's elsewhere and Hamon's in his own world that occasionally pops in to check on his nephews and niece.

For her, with her brothers and dad in different corners of the world until mid-January, Lila's not fussed at all, she's got nowhere to be, no parties, no plans, just hot chocolate, a marathon of the "Die Hard" movies, and leftovers.

... And of course, Lila couldn't forget, the misadventures she and Theodore dealt with in the meantime and probably through Christmas.

While she enjoyed the warmth of the one adventure they had last night, she wasn't about the insects.

Since this is her dealing with life that's unseen by the masses, these insects weren't the swatting kind, rather, you'd die before you're able to slam a shoe at them. Large, angry, hungry, buzzing, you know, the usual insects that Lila's dealing with since Ziggy kidnapped her and Theodore, now it's their secondary job.

Already, she's dealing with bruises that she's covering up with whatever possible to avoid embarrassing rumors.

The woes of looking normal and having abnormal adventures.

Theodore, well, he changes his clothing depending on where he's going, he looks like a space hobo when traveling in the TARDIS and looks like someone with hand-me down suits when working in the library.

Somehow, probably his genes, he doesn't worry about bruises showing, Hammond's reaction otherwise met trouble ahead.

Hammond's taken to questioning every adventure they take and what happened on them, big brother's worry, Lila guessed.

He still hates that his little brother's the Doctor and wished he wasn't, but Theodore told him more than once, is what it is, he can't change it, and if he tried, it'll be worse for the both.

Whether Hammond agreed or not, Theodore's the Doctor, and until otherwise remains as such, something Hammond doesn't even want to fathom.

Not that Lila blamed him.

Having lost both parents, Hammond's trying his best to keep from losing Theodore in the process, but Theodore hates Hammond treating him like he's still a child.

Theodore proclaimed he's thirty-four years old, but Hammond didn't see him as an adult, still his little brother.

Ah, family.

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