Chapter 36 ~ "It's All Fair Game"

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What a day. 

Everything I'd always wanted to see and do in New York, I got to experience. Walker took me to the Met, the nine-eleven memorial, Time Square. I loved everything, it was incredible.

Now it was later, close to dinner time and Walker insisted he had a surprise for me after our dinner reservation. So he brought me back to the hotel in a cab after our day out and about.

"Where are we going?" I ask as he pulls out his key, unlocking the door.

"To dinner? This Italian place a few blocks over, we're going to walk." He explains and I sigh as we step through the door.

"No, I mean after dinner." I insist and he chuckles.

"That's a secret, I've already told you like ten times." He insists and I sigh with a smile. 

"I can't believe I'm in New York." I mumble, pulling open the curtains next to the desk and looking at the city. "It' cool."

"You think so?" 

"Yeah, it's exiting and different. Everything's so interesting here." I admit with a grin. "I don't know how you left."

"It wasn't hard to leave." He mumbles. "I was happy to start something new."

"You think you'll ever come back here?" I ask, turning back and he shrugs.

"I don't know yet." He admits. "For now, I'll stick to lending out touring services to Brown students pretending to be my girlfriend." He teases and I shove his chest, walking back into the bedroom.

"Should I change for dinner?" I ask and he leans on the doorway with his arms crossed. He looks happy, not what I was expecting after I dragged him all over Manhattan today.

"I'd say so, I'm going to put on dress pants." He tells me and I smile, feeling my cheeks heat up. "What?" He asks, looking amused and I clear my throat.

"Nothing." I answer, pulling my suitcase onto the bed. He looked so good when he went to dinner with my mother and I, I hope he looks like that again. I unzip my hardshell suitcase, letting it fall open and I look around. I know I brought some dresses with me, I wasn't sure what to bring.

"Pack enough clothes?" He asks, eyeing my filled suitcase.

"That's enough out of you." I tell him, pulling out some dresses. "Which one of these should I meet your parents in?" I ask, laying them out one at a time.

"Oh shit, I need to bring you somewhere for a floor-length dress." He sighs. "It's a black-tie event on Saturday."

"For Thanksgiving?" I gape and he nods. "Well.....okay, I just.....where do I go to do that? Do you.....want to come?"

"I'll make some phone calls, set you up with a personal shopper on fifth." He says, pulling out his phone. "As for tonight, wear the black one." He says with a wink, leaving the room and closing the doors behind him.

I just stand there, feeling stunned. He was going to bring me somewhere for an evening gown? He was setting me up with a personal shopper? This lie is getting even crazier.

But I take his advice, putting on the little black dress in my suitcase. It had a low back but a high neckline. It was one of my favourites, I just hadn't worn it anywhere recently. I change into a thinner pair of underwear, trying to avoid an unfortunate line around my waist. Then I put on a necklace and get out my curling iron, plugging it in next to the mirror in the room.

I start wrapping sections of my hair around it, trying to give them a nice curl. Once I'd finished my hair, I gave it a small coat of hairspray and do some light makeup. I try to make myself look more alive, concealer, liquid blush, bronzer, mascara and some lip gloss. Then I sit on the bed to put my heels on.

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