Chapter 1

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Side Note

First time writing this genre of book hope you enjoy and please feel free to point out any corrections as I am re-writing and fixing some parts.

Enjoy xxx

Natasia POV

After leaving the pizza polar, I was met by complete silence. Normally there would be over a dozen crackheads around but I took care of that ha aren't I a good citizen.

They always asking for shit they didn't provide especially Markus. He's always making jokes about my weight and how broke I am. The hypocrisy but that's ok it was his last laugh and I made sure he enjoyed it before putting their asses to sleep.

You may be wondering, what did Nats do well I'll tell you what I did.

I pretended to be a drug dealer and sold them cocaine mixed with bleach powder and puff their gone well I thought so but the bastards survived....bearly. Haha, that'll teach their asses to never insult me, Natasia Camaliter Richardson ever again.

Well, hopefully, they wake up. Last time I heard they were still in a coma. The only persons I feel bad for are the drug dealers. Their number one customers are in a coma.


Enjoying the peaceful streets, I was interrupted by the sounds of someone groaning in pain. Now any sane person would have to ignore it and walk away but I'm not a sane person. Instead, making myself as small as possible I look in the badly lit alley to see a group of men dressed in suits punching someone. Zooming in, I saw someone who I hold dear to me. My ride-or-die, my sugar plum, my bestie, my only family getting beat the fuck up. Overcome by rage, I got up from where I'm hiding rushing over to the group.

"HEY," I shouted angrily which caused them to stop what they were doing. They look at me as if I was crazy before they start beating on my cousin.

"I'm talking to you dumbass let him go," I said while looking back at Dee.

"Bella dear I'm in a very good mood today so run along before I change my mind," someone said

Looking back to see if there is someone else he is talking to cause it sure ain't me.

"Look here wannabe gangster I said let him go or I'll make you," I said in all seriousness.

My cousin was the only family that stood beside me even when his parents threaten to disown him. I can't let him die or do anything wrong with him.


"Oh I'm scared" someone mocked

"Shiver me timbers," another one said which causes the rest to laugh.

"Don't say I didn't warn you" turning around as I left the scene. Walking out of the alley, I made my way toward the car I just fix. Sitting down in my car, I took a deep breath before turning on the ignition.

"Hope I kill that one who dear laugh at me," I said before driving towards the alley.

"Just do it" I whisper feeling hyped.

"See now wher-"


And I didn't stop driving over their ass.

"Take this mother fuckers" I said while driving over their asses over and over again before remembering the reason why I'm even driving over them.

"Don't just stand there dumbass get in" I said to my cousin. Not wasting any more time, I drove off to God knows where. I wasn't dumb to go back home. After a couple of minutes of silence, Deejay decides to speak up.

"Nas wtf n-" Deejay started but stop when he sees my face.

"Me wtf wrong with you uh you're the only one that considers me as family and yet you want to put yourself in danger uh if your ass died your mom and dad will put me in jail and you know I'm more likely to end up in some mental facil-" before I could finish a rain of bullets starts flying towards us even busted my back window.

Sigh, I just paid for that.

"Shit hang on" Switching lanes I start driving fast.

"They're still behind us," Deejay said

Looking through my rearview mirror, I saw about four black cars trailing us while having guns pointed toward us.

"Take the searing wheel I'll handle this," I said before we painfully switched places.

"Now Deejay I want you to slow down and turn ok," I said as I see them reloading their guns.

"NOW" and I throw the bucket of acid on their ass. I saw the first car crash into the light pole while the second car stopped abruptly which causes the others to crash into each other.

"Fuck Nats what did you throw on them," Deejay asked while driving away.

"Acid," I said calmly

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