Chapter 4

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Natasia POV

It's been 6 months since the whole incident and we weren't allowed to go home. Xavier the so call boss, collect all the money and more from Dee's friends but refuse to send us home. Which  I found weird since he always bad-mouthed me or threatened to kill me which he never did. Gramps said he loves me but I think something is wrong with that old man.

Another thing that had been on my mind is the absence of Xavier's mother. Gramps never spoke about her but he's always looking at Xavier with regrets. Just yesterday, they got into a heated argument which did not end well. Ever since that argument, Gramps hasn't eaten. I asked around but nobody seems to know or they didn't want to tell me.

But I knew something bad must of happened that's why they're hiding it from me but it's ok Inspector Richardson is on the case. But it helps him, I need to break through that stone-cold wall he has around his heart. Not wasting any time, I decided to cheer him up by crashing his meeting. He always complains about sitting down in meetings and listening to men talk about things that sometimes aren't relevant to the meeting.

Ignoring his previous warnings, I kick in his office door ignoring the stares I'm receiving from his business partners. I sat down right beside him while popping my feet on his lap.

"Xavier," I said

"Nutcase now is not the time," he said but I ignored him

"Little girl we have an important discussion at the moment," the guys said which causes me to look at him

5/10 his mustache ain't it

"Look here mister I'm bored plus you guys meeting are always boring like come on Mafia and all pfff what a mockery especially you," I said pointing at the guy who decided to let his presence known.

"You have to dress the part if you're gonna be a part of it like come on tie wack, shoes wack, suit wack the worst part is your mustache like wtf is that dude like come on you have money and can't afford to have a good stylist," I said shaking my head in disappointment. I even forgot what's the real reason I'm here but I had other pressing matters right now for instance helping this poor soul who has a bad taste of fashion.

"No wonder your here having so many meetings, you look like the type that pays women to sleep with them. Real Mafia men like Xavier don't have to pay just one look and they're coming rushing like dogs in heat" I said

Ignoring the glares I'm getting from both sides, I continue.

"But don't worry I'll help you but it's gonna cost you. Can't be working for free plus the monthly good deed expired yesterday when I help Andrew do something you should have came yesterday I would have surely helped you and your style of dressing," I said while walking around him assessing where I could improve on.

"Plus with this body, you should be ashamed of yourself but don't worry I'll help you just call Xavier and I'll make an appointment with you ok remember to call me you don't want me coming to your place," I said

Xavier looks like he wants to kill me but if you look real close, his eyes were sparkling. Well, at least I know what causes his eyes to sparkle.


"Don't worry you'll thank me later after all you're not ugly hmmm well it was nice meeting you take care" I said walking out of their boring meeting and making my way towards the garden.

Sigh I have a long way

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