Chapter 12 (Warning)

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Natasia POV

I grab the guy that's in front of me and slam his head against the wall before grabbing my aunt

"You bitch I told your old ragged ass to stay the fuck away from him you homophobic bitch. You think didn't see how you threatened him with your fake ass self uh you got me fucked you" I said while dragging her upstairs before throwing her off the stairs.

"Let me go" I heard Dee cry out

"You bitch you had one job and that is to get rid of that bitch uh but don't worry I'll make sure you know your place boy," Dee's dad said

So Dee was to get rid of me but instead, he stayed with me.

"Papa please stop ouch" I ran towards him only to be tackled from behind

"You bitch" he said before punching me in my face.

"Fuck" I said before feeling for something in my purse my bestie

Kicking him off me, I grab the bleach powder before throwing it in his eyes.

"You bitch" I shouted before grabbing the chair and hitting him with it over and over again

"You mother fucker, dipshit, wannabe, bitch ass bigger, fucking child molester, shit head, stink breath mother fucker, don't know Colegate mother fucker" I said while hitting him before hearing Dee screaming

"Dee," I said dropping the chair.

What I saw made me want to throw up. Not saying anything I grab a knife before stabbing him in his back causing him to push off Dee. Not wasting any time, I start stabbing his dick.

"You disgusting pig," I said as I continue stabbing him over again until someone grabbed me from behind.

"No let me go let me finish him," I said

"Mrs. Ivanko calm down ok we'll take care of it" That's when my head snapped towards the voice.

Looking I saw red and blue lights.

"Dee," I said before passing out

After the whole incident, Dee told me it's been happening since he was 13 and his mom knew but didn't say shit.  The plan was to leave me and if I went with the guy I would be locked up in the basement and forced to have children.

"Don't worry Dee I'm here to protect plus they were already sentenced to life imprisonment" I smile but I know I was going to visit their ass.

After I stop responding to the Xavier he sent some of his men who worked in the police department. After he heard what happened Andrew came blazing ready to kill someone.

"Thanks for not looking down on me I thought that you'll get disgusted or something I am afraid Andrew wouldn't want me anymore" he cried poor baby

"Did Andrew tell you he doesn't want you uh?" I asked while Chole rubbed his shoulders. As for Andrew, he is busy trying to find the perfect gift to cheer him up, poor guy.


"Good now shut up and give him some time," I said not long after Andrew walked in with so many items I almost laughed at his silliness.

"I don't know what to bring....if you don't want it it's ok I'll just give them away stupid..uh....are you ok," he said after gathering his thoughts

"Well we have somewhere to be later," I said while dragging Chole out of the room.

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