Chapter 8

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Xavier POV

"Xavier" I heard while someone was shaking me.


I jumped up to see our workers on the floor including Andrew who was just waking up.

"What happened," Andrew asked before realizing something.

"Dee," he said before running upstairs.

"Shit they're not here Xavier," my dad told us before handing us a note.

If your seeing this note that means we're on our girls/guys trip don't look for us we're tired of you guys. So we decided to move on with our lives and get some new dicks ...well I wasn't getting any from the beginning so a new one for me yeah

Ps. We took a large sum of cash from each of your bank accounts don't thank us we know it's what we deserve after putting up with the headache and stress you guys bring to us.

Until then byeeeee💋💋💋💋

To say I was pissed was an understatement.

"Get Cameron on the phone" I shouted before getting ready.

Well played Nats

Natasia POV

We are currently at a party in Jamaica. Today was our last night here after spending a whole week in Jamaica.

"Omg I don't wanna leave," Chole said while she attempt to dance. The poor thing when I get back I make sure to teach her a few moves.

"Well look on the bright side at least the guys aren't here," I said but was interrupted by a voice

"Oh really" We froze in fear

"Yes really why can't you stop looking at her ass I have to even though it's small it's something" We looked back to see a couple arguing. It looks like the guy was paying attention to someone but I can't blame him even though I stare at my ass way too long for my liking.

"Gosh that was close I almost passed out," Dee said while fanning himself. I almost piss myself


After the party, we head back to our hotel rooms to catch our flight back home.

Next Morning

"Ok guys remember someone kidnapped us and force us to write that note to piss them off," I said which sound foolish since I'm the only one who would write such a note.

"Just face the music look on the bright side least I'm not in a relationship well that's not bright for you guys since you both are in a relationship soon engaged and married wow I never thought this one out," I said

"Yea, you didn't" which made us all turn around to see three angry men.

"Oh hello there guys funny you're also here wow this place is getting hot," I said fanning myself even though the AC was on.

"I don't want to hear another word, especially from you," Xavier said while pointing at me.

"Now move"

Damn, I hope we get some angry sex. They knock your head against the wall, hold your throat while you can't breathe, and until you start seeing black spots, yea that kind of sex.

Hold up Natasia the only way you're getting that is unless you get drunk and have sex with someone else.


"Get some sleep you'll need it," X said which caused me to look at him before leaving my head against the window.

Great Nats atleast you getting dick

Few hours later


No dicks

No head banging against the wall

No hair pulling

Nothing zip

Instead, we were given the task to cut the fucking grass with a small razor.

"Good when you're all are finish, Damion and Andrew's house is waiting as well," Xavier said while laughing.

He's laughing for the first two hely laughing without anyone pressuring him to do so.

"I don't know what your doing Nats but continue," Chole said

I didn't plan on stopping anytime soon.

"It's ok guys here take a break," Gramps said handing us some water to wash our hands before handing us some food.

"And Nats I want to thank you again for whatever you doing even though I'm upset with you guys for giving me sleeping pills, just see him laugh is enough to forgive you guys," Gramps said while looking up. Probably avoiding the tears from coming down.

"It's ok gramps I will kick down that wall around his heart," I said while hugging him.

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