Chapter 3

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Natasia POV

"Noooooo" I screamed at Andrew the guy who is babysitting us.

"Look mister we are hungry, tired, and smelling and Dee needs medical attention don't give me that bullshit about you giving us something to eat this," I said while picking up a dried-up of bread and half a glass of dishwashing-looking water.

"This isn't fucking food Andrew we need food, a shower, and a doctor now or else," I said while throwing the plate at anyone who was near us.

"Look little gir-" Andrew said but I cut him off.

"No now you look here Andrew if I don't get any of the above you WILL pay," I said and I meant it. I still have a small bottle of acid and I wasn't afraid to use it.

After a stared down he gave up and let us out.

"Ok here and don't try anything funny I'm already in trouble by letting you guys out," he said.

"Ok no funny business," I said raising my pinky finger which he reluctantly met with his own.

"Good now hurry up," he said before leaving us in a room.

"Dee you go first ok," I said and he went into the bathroom. Dee was one of those people that others take advantage of and I hated it. His 'friends' are the reason he's in this mess but I ain't gonna say shit because they're gonna get crackheads special 2.0 imma fuck them up just wait. After a refreshing shower, we were asked to join the 'boss' downstairs.

"Ok, Andrew leads the way," I said as I helped Dee since the doctor said he has a broken leg.

No wonder he was hoping. Poor thing ignore the pain just for little ole me. Tisk that's why I have to protect his ass.

"The lady of the hour might I said I'm pissed for what you did to my men," he said looking pissed like I care. Bitch I don't

"You don't hear me complaining about my car your men shot out or beat my poor defenseless cousin hmmm no so I call it even," I said before sitting right beside him.

"Here eat this it helps build your bones ok," I said giving Dee some food which he start eating.

"This one is brave," a voice said which causes me to look up.

The man is gorgeous and his gray hair did him justice. Definitely sugar daddy material.

"Wow, your total sugar daddy material. What you use btw you look good especially your sense of style" I said before feeling Dee's hands on my shoulders which both me back to reality.

"Sorry for being rude I'm Natasia but you can call me Nats," I said while extending my hand which he took

"Nats it's a pleasure to meet you as well just call me Gramps, as for my face just the same old water and soap," he said which caused me to smile.

"Nat-" I cut off Mr. Stranger there

"It's Miss Natasia for you expect from Andrew, Gramps, and Dee nobody else should call me Nats unless I approve," I said which Gramps agreed to.

"I heard you throw a bucket of acid on my workers," Gramps said

"I'm so sorry you know when you see your only family in danger you have to try your best to keep them safe plus his parents would charge me so yea win/win expect for your men poor thing but don't worry they'll get over it. Lucky it didn't do any damage just the car and about me running your guys over I'm not sorry " I said shrugging my shoulders.

Running someone over with my car was on my bucket list. To run over more than one person is a bonus.

"Your a very wired person did you know that" Gramps laughed while Mr Stranger look even pissed.

"Don't mind my son his anger that someone has the guts to make him do something btw he fixed your car and sprayed it in black just as you requested " Gramps said which causes me to jump

"Thank you Mr Stranger and about the whole car incident still not sorry," I said while sitting down

There's no point in you lying when you know deep down you enjoy running them over. I hope they're not foolish enough to seek revenge.

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