Chapter 6

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Natasia POV

Ever since that day, Chole has stopped wearing skimpy clothing and heavy makeup. We even go shopping on occasion and at the spa. I got to learn more about their mother. But it was limited only thing I know is that their mother had died, she didn't know how or why but she passed away which caused Xavier to close up and be afraid to acknowledge love.

But that doesn't make sense if that's the case then while closing off so much as it relates to love, there is more to the story but I believe the only persons who know are Gramps and Xavier.

I even learned that Chole is madly in love with Damion, the guy with a bad sense of style. After she broke down crying about how she did everything for him to get jealous but he never did not even acknowledge her, I stage a kidnapped and sent a ransom to the house. I already let Gramps on the plan which he was upset at first but agreed to.


After word got out, his ass was the first to rush over demanding answers.

"They are demanding three million which is a small amount of money so don't worry we'll handle it btw why are you here it's not like this matter concern's you," I said while looking at him.

The people who 'kidnap' her which is me, Dee, Andrew needed some type of money. It's not easy keeping a straight face while talking to Damion.

"Just three million are you sure, when and where are we picking her up," he asked. He said while handing us a briefcase of money.

"Why should I tell you Damion honestly I starting to think you love her or something," I said carefully choosing my words.

"Well.....yes," he said why sighing

"What's that I can't hear you Damion you need to speak up," I said

"Yes ok I love her so fucking much ok damn it if I just answered her calls when she was calling me she wouldn't be kid-" he was cut off by a ping on my phone.

Looking down at my phone, I got a picture from an unknown number aka 'kidnappers' which contains a picture. After the picture loaded, I screamed before "passing" out.

The worst part of pretending to pass out is the constant bickering and some decided it was a smart idea to drop me. Ignoring the pain, man it hurts a like a bitch, I stayed in character after all I want to make him suffer for breaking Chole's heart. After a few minutes of silence, I decided to wake up since we want to be there around 7/8 P.M.

Looking up I saw a disorganized Damion with tears running down his face.

"Nats you ok, you had a nasty fall," Xavier said bitch you dropped me.

"No I'm fine what did the kidnappers say, when we got back Chole" I said while "crying". Man, I deserve an Oscar.

"They want the money but they only want Damion to deliver it" X answered

"Ohh ok then don't worry guys I'm sure it's just someone who wants money we'll get her back hopefully we get her back in time to reattach her finger," I said looking back at my phone seeing a fake finger with blood. It did look like the real deal even had Chole's ring she always wears.

"Nats now it's not the time," Xavier said which cause Damion to grab the case we had money in before heading out.

"Let's go"

After hours of driving, we were able to locate the kidnappers. Damion walked up to the door before being dragged in after which Dee and Andrew ran out with the briefcase.

"He's in there but Chole decided to sleep so we had to lock him. Poor guy must of realize what going on" Andrew said which causes me to walk up to the door before calling out to Damion.

"Don't mess this up fix it until then, and you won't be out don't worry your parents will take over until you come back" I said while dangling the keys in his face. The only thing he said was thank you before turning around.

End of flashback

They spent one week in the cabin. When they came out you could see the love and relief and even Damion parents were here to support him despite her past they were willing to look passed and accept her. Plus I came into her life at the right time since Damion was arranged to marry someone who is also in love with someone else.

Better late than never

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