Chapter 13

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Natasia POV

It's been three years since that incident and Andrew hasn't left Dee's side one bit. He's always there even if Xavier would complain about the absence of his right-hand man. But it was ok plus he didn't want to upset his pregnant wife. After he found out I'm pregnant, he proposed to me right in front of everyone which I said yes of course like come on I'm obsessed here.

Leaving the kitchen disappointed after realizing Gramps haven't gotten back yet with my ice cream. My thoughts were interrupted by an annoying voice.

"Baby" I heard someone say before lunging themselves at my MAN.

"I miss you so much gosh I thought of you every day since I went on that mission but now I'm here," she said while he was pushing her away. Embarrassing.

"Babe why pushing me away," she said

I saw Gramps walking with a smile while holding my chocolate but immediately his face fell when he saw this thing.

Chole however looks like she's about to kill a bitch.

"Gr-" she said but was cut off

"What are you doing here who let you in and why are you holding my son," he said

I've been here for a long time and it's the first I'm seeing Gramps get so dark oh show time.

"Sir I'm your daughter in law what you mean we're gonna get-"

"Says dear last time I check my son told you in front of your parents and ball that he isn't interested in you and never will don't you have any shame or something and who the fuck let this thing in," he said getting impatient.

This girl had no shame and that's coming from me. Making myself known, I pushed her away while holding my man's hand.

"Babe I've been looking for you and here you are....oh sorry I didn't know you had company," I said

"Wtf who is this uh," she said getting too close. Nobody shouts at my man so you know what I did. I bitch slap her right across her face before kicking her on the floor.

"Bitch know your place that's where you should stay as you can see nobody wants you here to leave and never return or else," I said in a threatening tone.

"And for the record, this is my daughter, not you so leave before I send your head back to your parents," Gramps said while handing me my ice cream.

"Exactly nobody wants you here go back to that hole you came from," Chole said while looking at her with disgust

"Thank you, gramps," I said which cause him to smile

"Leave" and she did not before looking back at me. Oh, I know that look. Bitch I'm ready for this. I've been waiting on this day when one of Xavier's ex comes crawling back. I have the cellar ready, the supplies everything just waiting on prey and here she is.

"You ok dear her take a sea-" I slapped him across his face

"Take care of it or I will and you don't want me to oh another thing your sleeping in the guest room," I said while Gramps helped me upstairs.

After meeting with Dee who had their son and daughter playing in the background. They had two surrogate mothers who gave birth around the same time how cool is that?

Chole also join us with her son who is a ray of sunshine. Damion and Chole had a decent yet calm wedding unlike Andrew and Dee who both fainted because the other mistakenly said no. Idiots

"What you gonna do to that bitch you know she's gonna try something," Dee said which Chole agrees.

"Well she can't do nothing until she gives birth to the babies," Chole said

I agree they are my number priority

"It's a good thing I'm going into labor now," I said which cause Dee to pause and Chole to spring into action by alerting everyone

I was rushed to the hospital and I'm currently in the room ready to give birth to my quadruplets.

"Why didn't you say anything to me" Xavier whined for the thousand time

"Gosh, you acting like your the one pushing the baby out uh come on breathe for me," I said I don't want him passing out on me again. When he heard that my water broke he passed out.


"Ok Mrs. Ivanka it time to-" and the baby just slide out I don't know why these people looking at me.

"Doc hurry up 'cause these babies aren't staying in here any longer," I said.

Soon after my quads were born my babies.

"I hope they're not as crazy as their mom" I heard Dee say which earned him a smack at the back of his head.

"Shut it now babe for the Boys we'll name one Alekander and the other Alexander and for the girls, we'll name them Alexia and Alexis," I said with a nob of approval

"What about their middle names," Dee asked

"Ofc they'll have a middle name only wired people don't have a middle name we'll give the boys Gramp's name, Dee yours as well, and the girl's Mom and dad's names which are unisex so it fits perfectly," I said smiling at my family I manage to form.

"Yes dear I agree with you"

I wasn't even asking him

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