Chapter 5

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Natasia POV

On my way to the garden, I was interrupted by someone screaming for help.

"Wait I know that scream.....Dee" I shout before running towards the noise.

"Let me go" I heard Dee say. Poor thing young and defenseless.

Locating where he is, I'm shocked to see a blonde chick pushing herself on my cousin.

"Come on why so stiff uh just one round please," she said while Dee tried to push her off. Dee hate when person throw themselves at him

"Bitch you heard no didn't you not," I said stepping into the room.

"Who the fuck are you..... doesn't even matter look here mind your own business and move," she said

"Look here miss piggy imma asked you to let him go or else I'll make you," I said.

"Look here you fat bitch I don't know who let you in but you don't know who I am. I run this place that means whatever says go......why am I even wasting my breath on a thing like you go lose weight or something" she said waving me off which irked me.

She laughed

Not wasting any time I grab the bitch before dragging her out of the room.

"I'm fat ok no problem I can take that but you ha," I said before throwing her into the wall.

Not waiting for her to get up start stomping the bitch then mopped the floor with her. Ignoring her pleas, I dragged her ass towards the step before stopping on the very top and looking down. Bending down to her level I look straight in her eyes.

"Never say shit to me again and stay the fuck away from my cousin " before throwing her down the steps.

"Fucking bitch Dee you ok," I said checking on him.

"Yea I'm fine btw her breath was bothering me to the point I almost pass out gosh my gay ass couldn't deal with it no more," Dee said while looking around only to stop.

"Nats I think you made someone mad" Looking back I see the men from earlier, maids, Gramps, Xavier, and the girl.

"You-" Xavier start while pointing at me but I cut him off.

" Oh shut it when someone says no they mean no plus nobody wants to kiss someone whose breath smells like dick. My cousin was this close to passing out from her breath like bitch Colegate hello the next time you come near my cousin I'll break your neck you hear, you wash up station wagon, express shuttle bus, downtown subway bitch keep your legs close nobody wants to smell that shit and your mouth as well," I said ignoring all the stares I'm getting.

"Do you know who you just insult?" Andrew asked. Like I give a shit

"Nope," I said popping the P

"It's Xavier's sister," he said like that's supposed to scare me. Ha in your dreams.

"Oh really that's good X warn your prostitute of a sister to stay the hell away from my cousin just the sight of you makes any man turn gay what's worst she even threatens him to have sex with her disgusting. She's like Mr. I Can't Dress to save my life over them but the only difference is he pays but you, just use your status talking about 'Oh I run this shit' Oh please a beg go check that thing you call a hole that has been running like the motor to see if it's still gripping imagine the guy has to picture someone else while fucking you ha shameless" I said before dragging my cousin off.

"She's crazy I like her" I heard someone say before crying out in pain.

Sigh now I'm back to base one but I had to choose between defending Dee or apologizing after hearing who the chick was and I choose Dee. Like come the look on Dee's face when she was forcing herself on him speaks a lot. He was so terrified he looks like he was out to pass out. I don't know what but ever since high school or probably longer Dee hates when people looked over him or force themselves on him.

He gets scared to the point of having a blackout where he sits there crying until he falls asleep. I asked him but he just stayed silent. Now I got two cases to solve. But I have this strange feeling that the reasons behind Dee's blackouts and panic attack is right in front of me just laughing at me. After the incident, I went downstairs and sat at my usual spot ignoring the glares from Miss Train Station.

"Problem," I asked while raising one eyebrow.

"Yes you-" I stopped her there

"How so is it because I told you something everyone wanted to say but didn't dear say it? Look here miss railway station I ain't gonna pretty up anything for you I'm gonna tell has it is better now or never. Imagine your in-laws if anybody wants to marry you smell that uh they be looking at you crazy plus they'll do anything to make sure their son doesn't marry you. Leave that slut life alone and stop wearing all that makeup. The worst part of it all was the fact that he kept telling you no he looked terrified yet you still tried to force yourself on him that's what made me upset" I said ignoring the hurtful looks. It has to be said

" I wonder if you get pregnant now who's going to claim the child imagine you testing so many men and how would that look on you or the mafia uh have you ever thought of that what about that child if it's the girl everyone will be expecting her to be a slut like a mother and if it's a boy he'll be destroyed to know his friend's father fucked his mom. His friends would laugh behind his back and his future wife would never respect you" I said before returning to my food.

That's right say something dear

"I'm so sorry Gramps it's just I hate when I see beautiful young girls just giving themselves to any and everyone destroying their life," I said which Gramps hugged before whispering thanks.

And no one said a thing

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