Chapter 11 (Warning)

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Natasia POV

After the whole who can't take dick argument Xavier decided to let Dee visit his parents even though he had been talking to them over the phone. They even invited me to have Thanksgiving dinner which I find suspicious. But I wanted to start a new chapter so I said yes not before bringing my bestie with me aka Acid.

"Call when you guys ready ok love," said Xavier while kissing my lips.

"Yea yeah, whatever bye Gramps, bye Chole, bye Andrew," I said before driving off.

"Warning if they try something slick imma fuck them up," I said to Dee before getting out of the car. Dee didn't want to go as well wanted to stay with Andrew awe he was in love

"Ok but don't do anything that will cause permanent damage," Dee said while sighing.

"Hmm let's go," I said said

"Well if it isn't the nutcase and my beautiful son," Aunt Sarah said. I hate that bitch so much that I would trade her for fucking pencil.

"Awe Aunty I see the wrinkles are back oh my and look there are so many. Aunty Sarah the tapes and makeup can't hide those especially the ones under your chin are you sure you're in your 40s aunt you look like your touching 70s" I said while smirking. I know the old hag hated when people spoke about her wrinkles

"Why you little......child come along dear we have a special guest" and we walked in to see an unknown guy laughing with Robb, Dee's dad.

Hmmm interesting

Looks like I have to bleach their ass today it seems.

"And this is my sister's daughter Natasia," Sarah said introducing us he immediately smile and pushed his hand out for a shake but I just ignored it.

Pushing past them I went up to the attic to get my secret stash of bleach power I kept, I was running low and Xavier won't let me get anymore saying I quote

'Giving you bleach powder is like giving a serial killer a gun' Pfff

After walking into the attic I found it. Quickly putting it in my purse I walked back downstairs.

"Dear you took your time," Uncle Robb said

"Yep," I said before sitting down.

"So tell me about yourself," the guy asked and I look at him before raising an eyebrow ok I'll play along.

"Nothing much just party, smoke, drink, do coke, run away from cops, prostitution the good stuff" which causes Dee to choke on his food and my aunt and uncle's face harden with hatred.

"Oh really well you have a very interesting life," he said while looking at me. Something isn't right with this guy.

"Well that's our Natasia she's always making up stories you have to see with her she's kinda not right in the head," my aunt said which is true. Not every day someone would run over a mafia beat their sister up, and sleep with them.

"Yes indeed she's quite the character," he said which again I find suspicious.

Not wasting any more time I text Xavier about the situation before putting my phone up.

"Seems you have someone waiting for you based on your detached behavior and texting while you are on your phone," the guy said.

"Yea one of the clients is paying me 10 grand so imagine my disappointment when I can't attend to him when I'm here sitting around a bunch of people," I said sweetly which cause the guy to laugh

"Your something else girlie" and my aunt try to make it seem I'm in one of those mood.

"Well it was not nice meeting you guys don't call us back let's go, Dee," I said grabbing Dee's hand only to see him getting pulled back.

"He's not going anywhere you are," my aunt said before the guy start walking to me.

"She's just as how you said she would be. Damn I can't wait to make you my wife I paid a lot of money to get you" Oh knew it

"Let her go a piece of shit Mom how could you"


"You keep quiet you here running around with this nutcase uh I accepted you when you came out as gay but running around a nutcase before you try getting a husband that's a lawyer I don't know who you're sleeping with now," Aunt said

She slaps him. She slaps Dee oh hell no

"Bitch your dead"

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