Bouns Chapter

19 3 1

Natasia POV

To get Xavier to even proposed to me much less marry was a rollercoaster.


I was surprised to see Xavier Ivanko ask me out on a date. I even went as far as pinching myself to see if I'm dreaming. After a few moments of silence, I agree. Not long after I was surrounded by Dee and Chole who help me with my makeup and get ready.

He brought me on a yacht in the middle of nowhere good place to just dump me and be on his merry way but he didn't. He captures my hands with his while looking into my eyes. Before I could say anything, he started talking.

"My mom ran away when I was 10 years old and Chole was five. At first, I blame Dad for it to the point I never wanted to be near him but after you came here and I see how you treated him as if he's your father. I started to get jealous I know right Xavier Ivanko getting jealous ha but I was so blinded by anger I didn't want him to even be close to you but every time you would find some way to be around him" he said while shaking his head.

I was shocked about the whole ordeal. Xavier's mom ran away when they were just children. No wonder. The most shocking part was the fact that he was jealous of me for just showing love to his father ha he should be happy his father is here.

"I was so upset that one day I snapped at him but I was surprised by what Dad told me after. He was tired of me hating him for protecting us so he told me the truth. Dad walked in to see our mom drowning Chole from then he told her to leave and never return Chole was just five and she was about to kill her baby. I was so shocked I denied it until Dad took me where she is and I was shock to hear her boast about how she almost killed her child. I was disgusted by the woman who gave birth to me I turned around and never return. But Chole deserved to know so I told her without Dad knowing" he said while trying to hold back his tears.

"Chole was so furious to know that our mom was alive she quickly find where she was but was surprised to see her laughing and acting as if she didn't have children. She didn't even recognize her daughter before telling Chole to never have kids thier disgusting. It broke Chile's heart but luckily you were there. Even when you didn't know what happened you were there encouraging her to hold her head high and keep moving" he said before holding my hands.

"By saying this I'm letting you in my life to know who I am and where I'm coming from. And I'm deeply sorry for the way I treated you by restricting your freedom even and keeping you against your will I couldn't bear to see another man hold you and the thought of them loving you I don't know about lovey-dovey stuff but your mine and only mine and I want to a make you officially mine" he said while getting on one knee.

I wanted to cry. This what I've been waiting for for so long. I knew he was mine from the moment he called me Bella. Even if he didn't make me his, I was going to do that by every means even blackmailing his ass or locking him up in a room he would be mine either way.

"Yes yes of course" I said while laughing.

"My beautiful crazy wife I love you to the moon and back," he said before his lips captured mine

"Wait," I said pushing him off

"Guys you come out now," I said which caused Dee, Chole, and Gramps to come out. I thought he was going to kill me so called back up I even hired a snipper just in case and put poison in his food.

"Wh-" he started but fell

"Shit the poison Dee go get the antidote fast" I shouted while Dee and Gramps helped him up in our room.

"Here" I dump in some water before forcing his mouth open to drink the antidote for the prison.

"You crazy girl why didn't you let us help you instead you poison him before he even starts talking," Gramps said

"Well he was moving suspiciously plus he brought me here out of nowhere btw get Liam," I said Liam is the guy that was smacked in the head after saying he likes me after I beat Chole up

"I'm here shit Nats you poison him I don't think a psychologist can help your case," he said while shaking his head

I look over to see Xavier waking up.

"What happened and why are you guys here wtf are you here's," he said before pulling me close to him.

I look at everyone for help but they all just gave me the 'you tell him'

"I didn't know what were your intention plus you were moving fishy around me so when you said you were bringing me out on a date I brought some poison and hired a snipper without gramps knowing but brought them in case of anything....... but thankfully you are alive and well yeah," I said while looking at him.

He didn't say anything just look at me before shaking his head.

"Sooooo...." I said maybe he's gonna dump me stupid Nats

"What am I going to do with you Nutcase," he said before pulling me in his arms.

"I don't know which one is crazy she's lost some screws and then you...I've seen it all" Liam sighed while walking out.

"Yea now leave"

End of flashback

And now I'm here happily married to the person who has put up will my craziness, even when I almost killed him, he still wanted to marry me. I'm starting to think that maybe he's the crazy one and not me.

We'll never know

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