Chapter 9

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Natasia POV

After the whole girls' trip thing, we were placed on lockdown. We weren't allowed to go anywhere without their permission or knowledge. Plus they let us give back all the money we rob at the casino. We were even forced to apologize which I kindly decline.

"Nats dear" I hear Gramps said

"Yes," I answered back.

"I need you to go on this mission the girl they chose was not attractive to him," Gramps said which caused me to do a little happy dance. I always wanted to go on a mission hopefully I can use this to see where I stand and if he likes me or everyone here on some shit I don't know about.

"Ok I'll be back," I said rushing upstairs. Thank God I'll already take a shower. Putting on a dress that was on my bed and heels with light makeup of course.

"Wow ok dear remember now you need to get him in a private room here room 201 ok," he said before helping me into the car

"Wait I wanna go too" I look back to see Dee already dress.

"Me too" I heard a voice say.

"Excuse and you are," I said

"It's me Chole doofus I had to change my looks"

"Chole bitch you look good which makes sense," I said allowing Chole to have a seat.

"Ok just be careful" I heard Gramps say before the car drive off.

Looking at both Dee and Chole we scream


"We're here ma'am," the driver said

Walking up to the guard I let Dee flirt. That was his thing he likes to flirt but hate commitment.

But for Andrew, he'll walk on fire.

After minutes of flirting, we went in.

"Bar, dance floor" and we went straight to the bar then the dance floor. Fuck the mission I miss being at the club.

We heard our favorite dancehall songs start playing. Pushing everyone off the dance floor we start dancing not giving fucks about Xavier. After we finished dancing we went over to the bar only for someone to stop us

"Excuse me someone would like to meet you" I followed his hands to see X and another guy.

"If he wants me he can come down to me what does he take me for uh," I said before walking to the bar.

"Two o clock" I heard Chole whisper.

Seconds later I felt someone standing behind me.

" Here I am Bella," the person said. Ignoring him I walked past him only to be blocked.

"Excuse me is there any particular reason why you're blocking me," I asked

"Ah yes I wanted to invite you to my booth sorry for being shy earlier I sent someone instead of asking you in person," he said while looking down


"Hmm I don't know maybe a Martini and maybe I'll forgive you," I said smiling sweetly.

I didn't want to go but Xavier has been playing game. Always making some hints and then pretending as if nothing happened. Even now, I'm not allowed to sleep in my bed always his bed, wear his clothes but yet still he always threatening me.


The guy quickly agrees and I signal Dee and Chole to follow suit. The first thing I saw was Xavier looking shocked before quickly changing into his stone-cold appearance. You could tell Andrew and Damion wasn't impressed.

After a few drinks and ignoring Xavier's presence, he started to ask some personal questions which I didn't mind.

" So tell me about yourself," he asked ignoring Xavier even when he wanted to start a Convo he'll always put his hand up.

"Oh well nothing much just bored broke up with my bf he cheated on me with my neighbor and the bitch is married so you know what I did Mr. Russo, " I asked looking at him.

"No dear do tell," he said while looking at me as if I were the most interesting thing in the world.

I wish Xaver would do that but he's just stone cold towards me. Even his sister likes me but he doesn't yet still I wasn't allowed to have any type of freedom. I couldn't even breathe without him being there.

" I run him over with my car then I told everyone he slept with our neighbor's daughter, wife, sister even grandmother then I called his job and told them how he's sleeping with their clients and that's why they're not coming back and ohh yes I got him arrested for assault," I said proudly I did do all those but to other people for example Xavier.

While I'm talking I could see Andrew smiling while Damion and Chole shaking their head

"What dear tell me you didn't," he said while laughing.

"It's true sir she did and even told the police how he even tried to touch her," Dee said I gave him the yes bitch add more eyes.

"Oh really and you are," he asked sounding pissed.

"Oh sorry he's my cousin the only person who loves me," I said while pouting and fake crying.

"Awe don't cry I'll love you don't worry about that guy he's not worth your tears ok dear" he said while wiping away my 'tears'. The looked on Chole's face says it is all priceless.

"Awe thank Mr. Russo btw you look too handsome to be here alone are you single by any chance," I asked

"Yes dear sadly nobody wants a guy like me," he said in his fake self-pity. Ha like I didn't know he's married and has three kids.

"Oh I'm a very lucky person to meet such a cute person awe," I said while squishing his cheeks. And we went on about some funny stories, movies and all until we had to go.

"It was nice knowing Mr. Russo I wish I could see you again but," I said while looking down. I enjoyed his company, unlike some people.

" Oh dear don't worry we can meet again" I did a little happy dance before hugging him.

"Oh really and we can the movies together yea oh well see you later bye," I said before kissing his cheeks and walking downstairs.

"Did we fail the mission?" Dee asked

"Pssh what mission...oh shit oh well life," I said

"Where is-" Chole started but was cut off by a voice. I pray he didn't hear what we just said.

"Dear, what are waiting on" Mr Russo said. Thanks the heaven he didn't

"Oh my ride someone supposes to pick us up but there not here"

"Oh don't worry I -" he was cut off by gunshots. I screamed before ducking my head. I felt someone dragging me.

"Let me go you bitch" I said before beating the shit out of the person ignoring the gunshots. It's just me and my attacker.

"You pussy die bitch never fuck with Nats again," I said while stomping on him. Regaining control I start looking for Dee and Chole.

"Dee, Chole" When I look I saw Dee and Chole hiding behind the bin and I look over I saw Mr. Russo

"Mr. Russo oh no wait I'll help you here hold my hand ok," I said before wrapping his tie around his hands.

"Dear I'm fine just a gaze," he said which I realize it was.

"Oh thank the heavens," I said before hugging him.

"You-" Before I could say anything else, I was dragged away from a screaming Mr. Russo.

"Let me go you, pervert," I said trashing around. Before I could say anything else I heard a voice that causes me to shiver in fear and excitement.

"Your in so much trouble"

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