Chapter 7

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Natasia POV

Bored out of our minds. We were banned from going to any clubs or outdoor events. Pfff like they can stop us so you know what I did. I drug their asses that's right I knock out everyone including Gramps with sleeping pills.

"Ready," I asked Chole and Dee which they return with a nob.

"Ok let's go to Vegas is just two hours from here remember your names and codes we'll be using just in case one of us is in danger," I said which was simply pepper.

Entering the car we made one final look at the house before driving off. The pills last for four hours since I wanted to make sure they were up in case of an attack. Hopefully, their body can go on autopilot in case of emergency.

After arriving in Vegas, the first place we hit was the strip clubs. It was funny since I was the one stripping. The girls weren't giving what's it supposed to be giving so I just push their ass off and did my thing. In return, I got a large sum of cash and free drinks. Chole even went as far as giving one of the guys her bras. Oh Damion gonna be so mad ha that'll teach him ass for breaking her heart so many times.

"Casino" Dee shouted before we leave the club.

We lost all our stripper money, Damion, Andrew, and Xavier's money at the casino and I wanted to play more so I came up with a great plan.

"Remember we gonna grab all their money, Chole put your hand on that thing right there remember these guns are real so don't go blazing off," I said remembering the time I almost shot myself. Tisk

"Roger that," she said before we put her plan in motion.

"1 2 3...let's go" We came in blazing guns

"All the money in here," I said

They look shocked at first before Chole kicked an old man

"I said put all the money in here now" and they did

"Have a good night ladies and gentlemen" I said before we hope into a car we stole a few minutes ago. We aren't stupid enough to rob somewhere while using our car plus we had our hands in gloves means no fingerprint.

"Omg, I can't believe we just rob the same casino we just lose all our money to," Chole said while laughing.

"Pssh you ain't see nothing yet you should have been there when Nats stick up the police department because she was bored till this day they still looking for her," Dee said which was true. My bucket list had so much stuff that I'm thinking of just burning the list altogether but after a deep conversation with myself, I decided to not burn it.

"What you are a nutcase," Chole said while we park the car and place a few hundred in it along with a note to the owner.

"Yea let's go before the cops show up I have a bad experience with them already," I said before running towards our car where we removed the license plate just in case you may never know.

That's why it's smart to buy a very common car. Plus I look up this area and a lot of cars the same as the one I'm driving now have gone missing so win/win.

"Where to next," Dee asked


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