1 When I see you again

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"Hey, Amy! Hold on a second. I really need to talk to you." I heard Adam call out to me as I was on my way to a meeting.

"Adam, hi! What's up?" I asked, because I was surprised by the expression on his face.

 Something seemed to be making him very nervous. However, I had no idea what it could be.

"Listen... I just wanted to give you a heads up.... Kyle is coming to AEW today and I didn't want you to hear it from someone else or run into him without warning." Adam said, scratching the back of his neck.

Now it made a whole lot of sense why he was so nervous. He was afraid of my reaction. And rightfully so. Because although I had feared it, now that it was real it was much worse than I had expected.

"Great. Just great. Thanks for the warning, Adam. At least I'll be able to avoid him," I replied with gritted teeth.

"Have you guys actually talked since then?" he asked carefully. Probably he didn't want to upset me. Or rather, upset me more.

"Talked? No. Yelled at each other? Yeah, we definitely did that," I explained to him.

"I'm really sorry, Amy. I never expected this to fall apart with you guys. This is all my fault." retorted Adam.

"What about this is your fault? We didn't do anything! If anyone was to blame, it's Kyle and his jealousy. And we had problems long before that. I think he was just looking for a way out. A convenient excuse." I said, noticing my blood starting to boil.

"What do you mean?" he wanted to know.

"Well... let me put it this way.... He kept trying to change my opinion on a subject. An opinion he knew about from the beginning and always said he was okay with and would accept." I replied, though I had no idea if I was making any sense to Adam.

"I guess you don't want to tell me what exactly you mean, do you?" he asked.

"Nah. If you really want to know, ask Kyle," I said.

"Listen, I know things are complicated with you guys, but it would be good for all of us if you talked about it," he said guardedly.

But before I could say anything back, the one person I never wanted to see again came around the corner. Adam noticed the angry expression on my face and turned in the direction I was staring.

"There you are, Adam. And look what we have here.... The devil herself." Kyle said, his voice dripping with disdain.

"Have a wonderful day too, you bastard. I see you've been following Adam once again, like the well-behaved lapdog you've always been," I hissed.

"Oh excuse me I like to work with my friends. I'll even put up with seeing you cold-hearted bitch," he replied sharply.

"Aww... Ouch! Now he's suddenly your friend? Funny, he wasn't when you accused us of flirting with each other and more. But whatever. I knew you just needed an excuse to break up with me. Maybe you thought I'd change my mind after all. You never liked to hear the word no. Maybe you should grow some balls," I said, my voice dripping with more and more disgust.

"May I remind you that you've always loved my balls, sweetie? That's probably why you're so bitchy. Lack of physical activity. You know where to find me if you need a refresher." he replied with a bitter laugh.

"You are so full of yourself. But trust me, you're not as good as you think you are. I'm just a damn good actress. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to.... well, I have to get really far away from this.... human. Before I get a migraine." I said, looking him up and down.

Then without another word I turned around and left. I really tried not to let on anything, but it hurt so much to see him again. I had often told myself that it was better this way and that he meant nothing to me anymore. But deep inside I knew that was a lie. I didn't know how I could see him again all the time. I did not know how and if I could bear it.

The things between us had ended ugly. Many things were said. But that didn't mean that feelings were immediately destroyed. 

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