22 Better late than never

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Kyle POV

The days passed faster and faster, but our little man did not make any moves that would indicate that it was time to be born. So the last weeks passed. And now Amy was already ten days past her due date. Understandably, she was quite exhausted and also in a bad mood, since it was difficult for her to find sleep. Every position she tried was uncomfortable. Everything hurt and pinched. But Payden was very comfortable in his mommy's belly.

I would have liked to do more to help her, but there was not much I could do. It seemed that our son had at least inherited our stubbornness. I wondered what else he had from us. If I could choose anything, I would want him to look like his mom. Amy, however, thought that he would probably look like me.

Hopefully it did not take much longer until he went on his own way. The doctor said that he would induce the birth in a few days, if nothing happened until then. But he said it was always better if it started on its own. With an induction of labor, it could always be longer and more painful than necessary. 

Together we lay on the couch. Amy was leaning with her back against my chest. She said that was the only position at the moment in which the pressure could be tolerated to some extent. Gently I rubbed her belly as I heard tiny snores escaping from her. Amy had indeed fallen asleep. That was good. She needed the rest.

My eyes lingered on her belly as I saw a bulge like a shark fin slowly appear under her skin. It slid a few inches to the right and then was gone again. Probably a heel or elbow. It did look very strange. But it probably felt even stranger.

Suddenly I felt Amy wince. She released a hissing breath as she sat up and pressed a hand to her bump.

"What's wrong?" I asked immediately, concerned.

"My water broke." she said.

"Oh wow...oh gosh.... Okay, let's go to the hospital then." I stammered as I excitedly tried to get off the couch. However, I didn't succeed very gracefully because in my excitement I landed face first on the floor.

"Oh God Kyle! Are you okay?" asked Amy. Judging by her voice, she didn't know whether to laugh or worry.

"Sure. I'm fine. Come on mommy. Let's have this baby." I replied as I jumped to my feet and held out my hands to her.

Amy shook her head and then took my hands in hers. Carefully, I pulled her to her feet.

"Please remember not to take offense if I yell at you or insult you. I have no idea how I will handle this pain. So I may be quite offensive." she explained to me for what must have been the tenth time.

"I know. And I promise to shut up. You can call me all the names you want if it helps you. I'm used to the trash talk. Remember that. Whatever you say, I've probably already heard it," I replied as I helped her into the bedroom.

Amy took off her wet clothes and then slowly walked into the bathroom to take a shower. In the meantime, I called Amy's parents to let them know it was time. Ramona was as excited as we were, but promised to check on the dogs while we were at the hospital. I nervously paced up and down the room. The contractions hadn't even started yet and I was already a nervous wreck. This could become somewhat interesting but I was determined not to let my wife notice it. 

When she was done, I helped her dry off and put on clean clothes as she had her first contraction. I held her hand and encouraged her to breathe deeply in and out. I almost forgot to breathe myself, it was so hard for me to see that she was in pain.

When it was over I grabbed our stuff and then we headed to the hospital. The next time we would be here, we would bring our prince home.


The time passed faster than I would have thought possible. After only two hours the doctor already said that it was time to deliver the baby. It seemed like Payden was in a hurry after all.

"Okay, Amy. You're doing great." the doctor said as she pushed.

"This is all your fault!" she gasped as she squeezed my hand.

"I know, but you almost made it," I replied.

It was certainly not the time to remind her that it took two people to make a baby. If it were in my power, I would have immediately switched places with her, but unfortunately that was not possible. All I could do now was support her.

"I knew he would take after you. It can only be your thick skull." she growled with the next contraction.

"I'm sorry." I said as I wiped the sweat from Amy's forehead.

"One more time..." the doctor then said.

Amy pushed again with everything she had. And then she actually did it. Payden's strong voice echoed through the room as my wife sank into the pillows, exhausted.

Our son was placed on her chest. We both looked at him in awe. For a moment we tried to comprehend how much our lives had just changed. From one second to the next there was a new person in this world. A little person who was so perfect.

"I love you, Ams. You made it." I said, giving her a loving kiss.

"We love you, too. Don't we, little Payden Lucas O'Reilly?" she replied, giving me a happy smile before giving our prince a kiss on his tiny forehead.

Then I saw her suddenly start to cry.

"Are you alright? Are you in pain?" I asked as I tried to figure out what had happened.

"I am so.... overwhelmed. I can't believe I never wanted this... him.... actually never wanted any of this. I've been so damn stupid. This is the best feeling in life. Seeing our baby for the first time. Being able to hold him. I wish I had listened to you, then I could have felt this happiness much sooner. Thank you for never giving up on me," she sobbed.

"You had to find your own way. And you know what they say.... better late than never. I always knew you had it in you. I love my family. You have no idea how happy you make me." I replied as I lay down in bed next to Amy and Payden and we enjoyed this beautiful moment together.

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