17 Following us

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Kyle POV

"I'm surprised you didn't sleep through the whole ride," I said as we stood at the traffic light and I looked over to Amy.

"I'm way too excited for that! I can't wait to see everyone again!" she replied enthusiastically.

"Ams, it's only been two weeks!" I laughed.

"I know! But it's so boring being home alone. I miss my friends at work and you, of course." she said.

"I feel the same way, but I think your boredom will subside as soon as the little prince is born. Besides, the girls miss you just as much. That's why they are at least as happy to see you. We'll meet them all in the park near the arena," I replied as I briefly stroked her thigh.

I was glad that she was in such a good mood, because in the last few days she had been quite tense. As soon as she had told me that she felt watched, I had always been on guard. Amy said that she only imagined it, but I didn't want to take any risks. Since the incident with the car in front of our house I was a little suspicious and maybe a little paranoid myself. Because I could have sworn that I had seen the guy more than once when we were out and about. The last time was only this morning when we went for a walk with the dogs.

"Can we get something to eat first? The prince is hungry." Amy then said.

"That won't be necessary. Britt and the others texted me earlier that they are preparing a picnic. You know, to send you off on maternity leave." I explained to her.

"Aww... that's so sweet!" spoke Amy, her voice full of emotion.


After I parked the car at the place the girls told me, I helped my wife out of the car. Together we went in search of our friends, but it didn't take long to spot them. Thanks to the help of lots of blue balloons and ribbons they had decorated the picnic tables and trees with.

"Oh my goodness!" gasped Amy as we got closer.

"Hello you two! Or rather you three! We thought we'd take the chance to give you some presents for you and the little guy!" said Britt, who came up to us with Adam on her hand and then gave us a quick hug.

"I can't believe this!" Amy whispered next to me.

When I heard that she was about to burst into tears, I put my arm around her shoulders to pull her close to me. I pressed a kiss to her temple. My other hand I placed on her belly where I could feel our son more than clearly.

"We love you guys and can't wait to meet the new addition to our family backstage. All of his uncles and aunties are really looking forward to meeting the little guy!" said Adam.

Our friends had outdone themselves. There was plenty to eat and drink. I had no idea how they had organized it all, since most of them were not from around here. But I decided not to think about it and just enjoy it. It was nice to spend time with them before it was time for work.

Amy laughed and chatted with her girls the whole time as she unwrapped the gifts. I wasn't sure if it would all even fit in the car. There was so much stuff, from clothes to toys and books. I was overwhelmed by the sheer love of our friends and work family.

But then my joy was dampened when I saw that guy again. He was standing relatively far away, but I knew immediately that he was watching us. I just felt it. And I had enough of it. But before I could do anything I had to get Amy out of here.

Since it was time to head to the arena anyway, I had an idea.

"Ams, what do you say you and the girls head off already. We'll clean up and put the gifts in our car," I suggested to her.

"Oh... okay. Are you sure you don't need any help with that?" she wanted to know.

"No, we'll be fine. Get some rest. It won't take long." I said and then gave her a kiss, but I knew she knew there was more to it.

Amy looked closely at me for a moment. She was probably weighing whether it was a good idea or not. She sighed, but then went on her way with the others.

When I started to clean up with the boys, I quickly explained to them what I had observed. A quick glance showed me that he was still there, but this time he looked like he was looking for something.

After 15 minutes everything was tidied up and put away. We had made a plan in that time. Cautiously a few of us approached the guy. We made sure that there was someone coming from each side so that he had no chance to escape.

As Bobby and I walked toward him, he seemed to realize he was busted and tried to get away. But in doing so, he ran right into Matt's arms. He quickly turned around and tried the other direction only to realize that Adam was already waiting for him.

He had nowhere to go, he was surrounded on all sides. I saw him swallow nervously, but to my surprise he didn't try to run or call for help.

"I'm only going to ask this question once..... Why are you following me and my wife?" I asked him in a firm voice.


Unable to relax, I nervously walked up and down the room. One hand always on my belly, because I felt that the little man was just as agitated as I was. I knew something was going on that Kyle hadn't told me about.

But then finally, after what felt like an eternity, the door opened and Kyle came in. His facial expression was quite tense.

"What happened?" I wanted to know immediately.

"I have to tell you something. Actually, I don't want to because I don't want you to get upset. I would prefer to wait. But I know I can't keep this a secret from you because that would upset you even more. Please promise me you'll stay as calm as possible. Think about you and Payden, okay?" said Kyle to me as he sat down on the couch with me.

"O...kay... but what could be so bad that I would get upset?" I asked confused.

"Remember you said you felt like you were being watched?" he wanted to know and I nodded.

"Your feeling was right. Since you told me, I've been keeping a close eye on everything around us. There was this guy, the same one who was standing in front of the house with the car. Earlier I saw him again and the guys and I grabbed him. I wanted to know why he was following us. And there's no way I can keep the answer from you because it involves you. We have to find out if it's true or not." he explained to me.

"How bad is it?" was the only thing I wanted to know as my thoughts were spinning.

"Amy... He says he's your brother." replied Kyle.

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