14 Bath time conversations

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"How's your back?" I asked as I leaned back in the tub.

Kyle and I were enjoying a bubble bath together. It was perfect to relax after a busy week of work and my move back to my old home.

Well, exhausting for me was only because of the pregnancy, since Kyle and our friends hardly let me do anything anyway. Although I had tried several times to contradict and explain to them that it is perfectly okay to help, they all insisted that I take it easy.

"It' s fine. How's your back?" replied Kyle as we massaged each other's tired feet.

"It's all good. The little guy has changed his position a bit again so he's not on my tailbone anymore." I explained as my fingers slowly stroked his calf muscles.

"Speaking of the little guy.... have you actually thought about a name yet?" he wanted to know.

"Hmmm, yes, but I think it's tough. After all, it's a very important decision. And since I never thought about it, I think it's even harder. Good thing we still have time. Although I know you probably already have a name you think is great," I replied.

"You know me way too well. You're right. I do indeed already have a nice name in mind." he grinned.

"Do you want to tell me?" I asked excitedly.

Kyle told me the name he thought was appropriate for our little boy and I couldn't help but smile broadly. I loved it immediately. Without a doubt, that was the name for our son. A tear of joy rolled down my cheek.

"What's the matter? Don't you like it? I'm sure we can find a better name. You don't have to cry about it, Amy." he immediately babbled anxiously, thinking that I thought the name was terrible, but that couldn't have been further from the truth.

"No, Kyle. Those are tears of joy. Well, and hormones. I love the name. It's perfect." I quickly replied to reassure him as I simultaneously reached for his hand.

"I'm glad. But I think we should keep the name for the little guy to ourselves for now. As a little something just for us for the next few months until he arrives." Kyle said as he squeezed the hand I was holding tenderly.

"Sounds like a good idea. We could call him Prince for a nickname that starts with the same letter in the meantime," I suggested.

"Aww, our little prince. I love it. And you." Kyle replied as he leaned in to give me a kiss.

"I love you too. We should get out of the tub now. Before we look like raisins." I said afterwards as I gave him a few more smooches.

Kyle then got out of the tub to help me get out very carefully afterwards. We grabbed the fresh towels and dried off. Then I began to generously apply lotion to my dry skin. But then I realized that my belly was just in the way and there was no good way to get to my legs.

"Babe? Care to give me a hand? I'd need help with my legs," I said.

"Of course." he replied and immediately reached for the bottle of lotion to take care of my legs.

While he was busy doing that, I let my hands slowly slide over my torso and arms. I felt my husband looking up at me, so I decided to tease him a little.

I let my hands slide very slowly from my arms over my shoulders. My fingertips massaged the lotion into my skin at the collarbone and neck before they gently but deliberately wandered down to my breasts. I knew exactly that Kyle was watching me captivated, because his hands had already ceased their work.

When I got to my nipples, I sighed deeply at the incredible feeling that shot through my body from this little action. I did it again and immediately it tingled again in another place.

"Oh my. They are so sensitive" I breathed.

"Does it hurt?" asked Kyle in a throaty voice. I looked down at him.

"No. On the contrary. It has never felt better. I bet I could cum just by stimulating my nipples." I smirked.

Immediately I saw the sparkle in his eyes and knew that he had understood what I was getting at. He stood up and put his warm hands on my hips to pull me as close as the baby bump would allow.

"Oh yeah? Would you like to test that theory?" he murmured to me as he brought his mouth very close to mine.

"I'd love to," I whispered with a wink.

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