19 Processing

66 6 14

Kyle POV

"Okay, come on guys. Let's go back home to Mommy," I said to Molly and Hank as I picked up their leashes again.

As if they understood what I was saying, they headed towards our house. I had taken the opportunity that Amy had finally fallen asleep to get her a little something. She was totally exhausted, but hadn't slept a wink all night. Instead she had read the file again from front to back. In no case she wanted to miss a perhaps important detail.

This went on for a few days now and I was worried about her. Amy was really getting into the whole thing. This was exactly what I feared when she was thinking about finding her birth mother. Now that she knew this woman was no longer around to give her answers, she clung to the papers Oliver had given her.

The whole situation had even triggered an argument with her mother. Amy was of the firm opinion that at least her mother or father must have known something about her brother. It was hard to bear, but I just didn't know how to help her. None of my words seemed to get through to her. It almost seemed like she wanted to suffer. And of course I was also worried about our little one. This stress could be anything but good for him, either.

I was about to unlock the door when a car stopped in front of the house. I lifted my head and saw that it was Amy's mother Ramona. Obviously she wanted to talk to her daughter again. And I really hoped that she had more success this time. Because it really could not go on like this in any case.

"Hey Ramona. How are you?" I asked as she got out of the car and came towards me and the dogs.

"Hello Kyle. I'm pretty concerned about Amy. How is she?" she replied as she gave me a quick hug.

"She's asleep. Finally. It's been another long night." I sighed.

"That's good. What do you say? Shall we have tea until she wakes up?" she wanted to know.

"Sure. Come on in." I replied.

But when I opened the door and we quietly walked through the house, I saw that my wife was already awake again. Amy was sitting on the sofa in the living room and was already flipping through the file again.

"Hey, how long have you been up?" I asked as I walked over to her. I pressed a kiss to her forehead and then looked at her closely.

"Ten minutes maybe. Hey mom." she said when she saw that she wasn't alone.

"Hello, sweetheart. How are you feeling?" asked Ramona, sitting down on the sofa with Amy.

"Pretty bad." mumbled Amy.

I quickly went to the kitchen to prepare her surprise. As I got a bowl out of the cupboard I heard the two women talking.

"Listen mom... I'm sorry I was so harsh." I heard Amy say.

"That's okay. You were upset. But you also know that me and Dad have always been honest with you. We always told you everything we knew and everything you wanted to know. We would never keep anything that important from you." replied Ramona.

"Yeah, I know. I was just pretty overwhelmed. And then I did what I always do.... blamed others. I'm really sorry. I know that if you guys would have known, I would have known." said Amy.

"That is true. If we had known, we would have taken you both to us. Does that mean you believe him? You weren't so sure a few days ago?" her mom wanted to know.

"I'm not sure about anything. About anything in this matter. But I don't know why he would lie. I think I'm going to get the test done. I want, need clarity. And if it's true, maybe I'll get a bit more family. If the little prince has an uncle, he should meet him. I don't want to regret not knowing my brother later, you know?" she replied just as I came back into the living room and handed her the bowl.

"You got me ice cream?" asked Amy, looking up at me.

"Yep, to cheer you up. I'm really worried about you." I replied as I sat down next to her.

Amy slid a little closer to me and then gave me a kiss. It had taken a few days to process everything, but now she seemed to be back to more of herself. Maybe the sleep she had missed had helped her see things a little more clearly.

"I want to apologize to you, too, Kyle. I know I, once again, didn't make it easy for you. I know I'm a handful." my wife said to me, leaning her head on my shoulder.

"Hey it's okay. This isn't an easy situation and I know it's a lot. But you've handled a lot of other stuff. You can't change anything from your past, so you shouldn't dwell on those thoughts too long. Especially not when you, we, have something so exciting ahead of us," I replied as I placed my hand tenderly on her stomach. 

That was the truth. In two months our whole life would change. In the most beautiful, purest way. Who wanted to cling to the past when the future was so much more beautiful? Everything that had happened in her life was the reason why Amy was the woman I loved today. She was so strong. And maybe through Oliver, she would gain back a part of her other family. And if he wasn't her brother after all, then I would help her put that behind her, too.

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