20 The moment of truth

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I nervously played with my fingers as I sat in the passenger seat next to Kyle, who drove us to the hospital. There we would meet with Oliver and a doctor would swab both of our cheeks to compare our DNA. Even though I was sure it was the right decision, I was still very tense.

"How are you holding up?" asked Kyle as he took my hand in his.

"Nervous... Excited... I'm not sure. I'm just glad we only have to wait a few hours for the results and not days or weeks." I replied.

"That's true. Okay... let's do this." he said as he parked the car, got out and then came to my side to help me get out.

Kyle held my hand tightly as we made our way to the hospital together. It didn't take long to find the place we needed to go. Oliver was already sitting in the waiting room. When he saw us come in, he jumped to his feet and greeted us. His nervousness was also clearly noticeable.

"Hello Amy. Hi Kyle. It's good to see you. I'm glad you reached out. I expected to have ruined everything with my behavior. I was here way too early. My wife took the kids to the playground." He babbled as he shook our hands in greeting.

"Hey... yeah, it took me a few days to process all this. After all, it's not every day you get told you potentially have a brother. I want to get this over with so I know how to move forward." I replied.

"I understand that. And I can only repeat that I really don't expect anything. It's just important to know who I am and who my family is. Just for my mental health. If that makes sense." he said.

"O'Reilly, Tanner? This way please." a nurse then said before I could say anything back.

But it seemed his thoughts were similar to mine. I, too, just wanted to know what I was dealing with. I didn't think it would make much difference, but it would help me.

We were taken to an examination room and a doctor was already waiting for us. He explained to us what he was going to do and how it all worked. Then he took one swab from me and one from Oliver. We signed some papers and then we were ready to go. Together we left the room and made our way out of the hospital.

We had just arrived in the foyer when we heard a little girl call out.

"Daddy!" she shouted loudly from the entrance and ran as fast as her little legs would carry her towards Oliver.

He bent down slightly and lifted the little girl into his arms. Immediately she snuggled up to him. She looked at us curiously, her head tilted slightly to the side.

"Amy, Kyle...this is my daughter Fiona. And this is my wife Jenny and our son Ben." he introduced us as a dark haired woman and a blond boy approached us.

We greeted each other and then decided to spend the waiting time in the garden of the hospital. Again and again I caught myself looking at little Fiona. Oliver said she was 4 years old. And I couldn't help but notice that she kind of looked like me. I knew pictures of myself at about the same age and they looked very similar. I did not expect that. So was it possible that we were actually related?

"Are you having a baby or are you just chubby?" Fiona then wanted to know from me at some point. 

I had to laugh. Children and their honesty. I immediately saw the startled look on her mother's face.

"Fiona! We don't ask things like that!" she scolded the little girl.

"It's okay. I'm having a baby in a few weeks!" I explained.

"Oh! Are you my auntie?" she then asked, sitting down at my other side.

"Well... we're going to find out today." I explained to her.

"That's cool. I hope you are. You guys seem nice." she stated and then turned her attention back to her doll.

Then there was silence again, but fortunately it was not a tense silence. At some point I noticed that Ben, the 8 year old boy, was staring at Kyle the whole time. I think he was dying to know something, though he was too shy to ask. Oliver finally seemed to notice this as well.

"Buddy, what's going on? You're so quiet." he asked his son, pulling him close.

"Dad, is that Kyle O'Reilly?" the boy asked quietly, but not so quietly that we couldn't hear him.

"Yes, that's his name. Why?" replied Oliver. Ben's eyes got all big, like they were almost going to fall out of his face.

"The Kyle O'Reilly? The wrestler?" added Ben.

"Yeah, that's me." said Kyle when he saw Oliver's confused expression.

"That's so awesome! You're one of my favorites!" the boy gushed.

"Wait a minute.... Where did you watch wrestling, please?" asked his mom.

"Well at Danny's house. It's so great. When I grow up I want to be a wrestler too." he replied and I swear you could almost hear the duh.

"I guess we'll talk about that later." Jenny laughed at the face her son made.

Before either of us could say anything else, my phone buzzed. It was an e-mail from the hospital saying that the test results were in. I guess now was the moment of truth.

We said goodbye to Jenny and the kids and then made our way back inside and into the waiting area. It wasn't long before we were invited back in by the same nurse as earlier. As we sat down, I reached for Kyle's hand and squeezed it tightly. He put his other hand on top and stroked the back of my hand reassuringly. I tried to focus on my breathing and on our prince's movements to calm my nerves, but it seemed like the little man was sound asleep right now.

"All right. We have your results and I can confirm that you, Mrs. O'Reilly and you, Mr. Tanner are biological siblings." said the doctor.

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