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Chapter 3:

"Daddy can we get a puppy?" Bliss ask out of no where. We're all sitting in the living room watching cartoons before school.

Daddy looks over at her and she has a hopeful look on her face. "Please, we really want one." i plead moving my head on his chest so i can see him better. I have always wanted a puppy but we never got one because we lived in an apartment and we didnt have room. No we have a house and a huge back yard so we have plenty of room.

"What brought this on?" he asks Bliss.

"Abby said her doggy just had puppies and i want one."

Daddy thinks about it for a second and then says "You have to talk to Abby and see if they're letting people buy them."

"Yay!" Bliss and i squeal giving him a tight hug.

"Don't get to excited. You dont know if their selling them." Daddy says but he has a smile of his own.

"They have eight so i'm sure they are selling um." Bliss say confidently with a smile radiating on her face. She looks back at the cartoons not loosing her smile.

"Thanks daddy." i say with a smile he kisses my forehead ad looks up at the clock. "I better get going. Bliss and i'll be by the shop to see you later.

"Will you bring me lunch?" he asks as i make my way to the door.

"Sure thing." i give Bliss a kiss and head out.


When i pull into the parking lot Matty motions for me to park by them. I pull my bike into the parking space their all standing in and jump off shaking out my hair. "Hey guys." I smile and Matty comes to give me a hug. I hug him back happily and everyone else pulls me into a hug,

I turn to Eli because he didnt give me one. He's just standing there staring at me strangely and i smile at him opening my arms. A breath taking smile breaks across his face and he pulls me into a hug. He gives me a squeeze and i giggle pulling away.

"You're dad's very scary." he says when we pull apart.

I shake my head with a smirk. "Nah he's just a big teddy bear."

"I don't think so. Did you see the size of that man?" Matty asks and i turn to him with a raised eyebrow.

"I live with him Matty and he's my daddy so yes i see him." I say and then grin. "He said we could get a puppy."

"Great." Blane says sighing in relief. "You can have one of mine. We have eight."

My ears perk at this and i ask "Is your little sister's name Abby?"

How'd you know?" he asks shocked.

"My little sister Bliss is in her class. She was gonna ask Abby today if we could buy one of your puppy's."

"You can have one for free. We're giving them free to good homes." I smile happily and give him another hug.

"What kind are they?" The warning bell rings and we all head toward the school.

Blane walks beside me and chuckles. "Great Danes. You can stop by some time this week and see what one you like. They have two more weeks untill they can leave."

I nodd happily because i have always wanted a great Dane they are the biggest and coolest dogs ever. "When my daddy gets time off we'll stop by."

Blane gives me his number and we part ways. "See you at lunch." Eli says and i smile nodding. He gives Matty a look and goes toward his class.

"What was with the look?" I ask Matty.

"What look?" he asks playing stupid and i grunt taking my seat.


"Do you wanna go to church with us tonight?" Eli asks and i look over to him shocked. Where did he get to ask me that? "We're just having youth group and worship."

"I dont know what that is." I say cocking my head confused.

Eli smiles "Worship is our way of showing God we love him, it's how we show him we are thankful for all that he has done for us."

I nod slowly understanding  a little but. I only have one question "What has he does for us?"

Eli turns his whole body toward me getting more comfortable. "John 3:16 says "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." Meaning God gave us his son he didnt have to but he did. His son Jesus Christ came down to earth even though he was a God just like his father but he came down here as a servant."

"Jesus knew that he was going to have to come down to earth and be tortured and die but he did it because he loved us. He died on the cross for all of our sins and now when we ask God for forgiveness he grants it and throws it in the sea of forgiveness."

I look at him surprised. "How did Jesus get here?"

Eli chuckles "The angle Gabriel came down to the virgin Mary and told her that she was going to bare a son and she was to name him Jesus. Mary became pregnant with Jesus and he became son of man and God. If you read Luke 1:26-38 it will tell you a lot more."

I nod because i would like to read about it. I'll have to ask daddy to get me a bible. Eli said she was a virgin so how can she get pregnant when God isn't on earth to get her pregnant? "I have to watch Bliss tonight but maybe next time." I want to go but the i dont because i dont think i would be accepted there. I have piercings and tattoos so people will probably look at me strangely.

"Bliss could come as well but next time would be great." he says not pressuring me to go and i sigh grateful.


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