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Chapter 13:

I stair at him wide eyed because how can he be falling in love with me. He doesnt know me all he knows is what im running from. That i'm running from a bunch of crazy men that want to kill my family. He may know my favorite color and favorite animal but he doesnt know who i am. All he knows is what he can see and not all of this is me.

 Looking around to everyone else, they dont look as shocked as me they are just sitting back like they knew this was gonna happen. I look back to Eli and shake my head. "You dont know me Eli. You may know my family's deep dark secret but you dont know who i am."

Eli sits up seriously "I know who you are Blake. On the outside you have the look that words people off but on the inside you have love so much love sometimes it shows when you dont want it to. You can fight like no bodys business but you dont do it because of that love. You never knew God but i tell you one thing about him and you want to know all their is to know. You want to come to church and you want to know what a christian does and doesnt. You have your tattoos and piercings to show that you are an individual and you ride your bike because you like the rush you like that its fun. Yah i know that your favorite color is black and your favorite animal is a wolf but i can read you Blake i know more than you think."

I just look at him shocked because no one can know all of that. No one has ever known me like he does besides for my daddy. I do hid behind all of my makeup because i dont want people to think i'm soft. They need to know im a threat so they will stay away from me. All of my piercings are to show im an individual they show i can be anyone i want to be.

"Fine but still dude we have only known eachother like three weeks." i mumble crossing my arms across my chest. I look over at daddy and scowl at him when i see his smirk on his face.

"Time doesnt matter Blake. God has sent me you and you dont have to love me back or even like me but i'm not going anywhere weather you like it or not." he says in a final tone and i lift my brow to him in challenge.

"And i'm not going anywhere either." Matty says crossing his arms.

With an amused look i sit up straighter. "Well that doesnt mean i have to talk to you."

"Oh you will." Eli says and him and Matty exchange looks before Matty says "We'll be so annoying you'll have to talk to us."

"Well Matthew i could just punch you in the nose again."

Matty's features fall and he says "I dont like when you call me Matthew."

"I dont like it either." i say truthfully with a shrug before i sit up seriously. "But i'm trying to be serious with you both. Being friends with me is not safe. Therefore i'm not going to be your friends."

"Tiger i think you should let them decide that for their selves. They look like strong boys so im sure they can handle themselves."

Matty nods quickly while i scowl at my father. "Yah Tiger we can handle ourselves." Matty says and i want to flip him the bird so bad but that would be really disrespectful to him and his religion.

"So what if someone off of the street comes up to you and slams you against a car. What do you do?" i ask and they just look at me plainly. Raising an eyebrow i ask "Huh what are you gonna do?"

"Pray?" Eli asks and i purse my lips at him.

"Maybe if you seen him coming and prayed before he got to you but no. When he has you up against the building you fight him. Praying can get you far but not when you have a weapon pressed up against your skull or a mixed Marshall artist at your back."

"We can't fight." Matty states with a duh look and i roll my eyes because i know that.

"That was my point. How are you going to take care of yourself when you can't hit anyone? You can't so there fore your going to die."

"All things are possible with God." daddy says getting into the conversation. "He brought all of you together for a reason Tiger. They may not be put in a situation like that but if God wants that to happen then it will."

"So they'll just get mulled to death if God allows it?" I ask in disbelief.

"If that's in Gods plan yes." daddy says chuckling at my horrified expression. "Just give them a change Tiger and if you still feel the same we'll leave."

"NO!" Eli shouts from his seat. Daddy and I look over to him with raised eyebrows and he calms down. "I mean no you can't leave. We can handle ourselves Blake you just have to believe in it. When you worry nothing good comes from that so just trust in us and trust in God."

"Fine but im not coming to your funerals because I warned you."

"What?" Matty says outraged. "When im ninety your not going to come to my funeral."

I give him a stank look and say "Of course I will dummy I mean if your cause of death is this. I wont witness what I cause."

"You wont be the cause so you'll be coming." he says with a smirk.

"We're not dying so just let it drop. We're her for you Bake. We're not going to let anything happen to you."

"What ever." I mumble trying ot sound disappointed but the truth is im not one bit disappointed ill just have to fight for them.


It's short I know sorry but God bless (:


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