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The music starts and I swear I'm sweating like a fat kid in track. I don't know why im so nervous and I don't know what I am suppose to expect. Camry keeps shooting me worried glances but I cant look at her to reassure her that im okay.

My eyes are facing forward trained on Eli so I can try and calm myself down. He sends me a small smile and I grimace at him.

"Hey everybody we're starting with Worship today." The younger looking man I assume is pastor Mike informs us and I groan because that's the part i'm nervous for. "Thank y'all for coming out tonight for those that don't know me I am the youth pastor here but just call me Mike. If you could please stand and come to the front and give a big hand clap to the Lord for getting us here tonight and for all of his greatness."

Everyone stands and claps enthusiastically as they make their way to the front of the room. I clap also but not as excitedly and take my spot beside Camry. She gives me a reassuring smile and whispers. "Don't be nervous let God have his way."

I nod but shakily put my hands down by my sides, "Now lets give a hand clap to our worship team." everyone hoots and hollers loudly for the worship team and I smile a Matty and Eli. Zoe's up on stage with them and she gives me a small smile and points to the mike my eyes widen and I point back at myself in disbelief.

She motions for me to come up and I smile making my way up there. I'm nervous as ever but I don't like showing people my emotion so I suck it up and put a big smile on my face climbing up the stairs to the stage. "I'm gonna kill you." I whisper to her with the smile still planted on my face.

She looks back at me with a big smile and puts her arm around my shoulders. "Everyone this is Blake and she's new in town. She's our new friend can we give her a round of applause!" she shouts happily and everyone starts cheering. "Alright, alright." she laughs quieting everyone down. "Blake never new about the Lord until she moved here but let me tell you she is an eager one and she has changed so much. Do y'all wanna hear her sing?" she asks and my eyes widen as I look at her. I don't know how to sing worship all I know is rock music and not a lot of Christian at that.

I had started listing to Christian rock and  love the bands Flyleaf and Haste the Day but I don't know about anything else. Everyone screams yes and I grimace.

"I don't know any." I mumble and she gives me a look of disbelief.

"You know something." she says handing me the mike. She goes behind me and grabs the guitar leaving me hangin.

"Do you know Red Sam by Flyleaf?" I ask and El I and Matty nod quickly leaving Zoe to smirk at me. I sigh but take a deep breath to get it over with. The music starts up and im surprised they actually know it. 'Take the nervousness Lord' I ask and look close my eyes looking up at the ceiling as I start.

"Here I stand empty hand, wishing my wrists were bleeding to stop the pain from the beatings." I start a little shakily but once I let God take over I calm down and open my eyes to the ceiling praising the Lord as I know how. I lift my hands to him and smile as I feel his presence.

The presence of the Lord is one you'll never forget one that is always on your mind. My eyes clothes half way through the song and when I stop singing and the instruments stop I open my eyes to see me sitting on the stage floor.

Everyone's looking at me wide eyed and silent and I stand handing the microphone to Zoe before I quickly make my way off of the stage and back beside Camry. Its silent for another minute and I get more nervous. "OHMYGLITTER!" Camry screams pulling me into a hug jumping up and down and I think that brings everyone out of their trance and they all go into an uproar. "You are amazing. Why didn't you tell us you could sing?" she demands and I raise a brow at her.

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