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Chapter 11:

"Get up sissy it's time for church." Bliss says taking my covers away.

"I'm not going." i mumble with a yawn. I didnt sleep all night last night all i did was stair at the wall and listen to my phone ring as Matty and Eli tried calling me.

"What? Why not?" she demands and i take my blanket back.

"I dont feel like it. Now get out of my room." i say rudley covering y face. I hear Bliss sniffle and i roll my eyes turning over. I hear her little feet run out of my room and i sigh sadly. I'm mad but that doesn't mean i have to take it out on her.

I lie there for twenty minutes traicin the pattern of my sheet before im interrupted again. "Are you sure you dont want to go?" daddy asks and i grunt. "Well be back later then." he says dismissing himself. When he shuts my door i sit up and wipe my eyes thinking.

I can't let not being friends with them stop me from going to church. God isn't the one that let this happen we were so he shouldnt be punished. I jump up and put on some white leggings with a long black shirt that comes to my knees. I put my hair up in a messie bun and wash my face. I dont feel like makeup so i leave it off.

Moo whines from my bed and i take him down. We go down stairs and i let him out before i lock him in the bathroom.

I put on come chucks and get on my bike heading to church. When i get there i set outside for a second hoping that they havn't already started. When i work up enough courage to go inside i take a big breath and push the doors open.

Luckily they havn't started yet but they are getting ready to. Eli and Matty are already at their instruments and i try not to pay attention to their eyes as i go to my seat. Eli must have told Matty that i wasn't talking to him and that means he told him why.

Slipping in the seat beside daddy i put my head down. "I knew you would come." he states and i roll my eyes at him.

"It's not God's fault so i sucked it up and here i am." i say playing with my fingers. I can feel them looking at me and what daddy says next only confirms it.

Daddy grunts and confirms my suspensions when he says "That boy wont take his eyes off of you."

"Don't care." i mumble and daddy chuckles because he knows when im lying.

Daddy places his hand under my chin making me look at him. His eyes are soft and so is his voice when he says "You care Tiger just go talk to him."

"No daddy i'm fine." i give him a hug because he only wants wat is Best for me but thats not whats best for them. The service starts and the whole time all i can do is stair at Eli as he plays the drums. He glances up at me every few seconds giving me smiles but i just sit there with a blank face. When he goes to his seat he looks behind him and watches me every few minutes before an older lady i think is his mom whispers something to him.

Service ends and i sigh because i didnt listen to anything that was going on. "I'll meet you at the house." i mumble leaving the church. I get as far as my bike when someone yells my name. Looking behind m i see Matty running toward me. I get on my bike and put my helmet on waiting for him to stop.

"Blake." he says with a smile and i nod in recognition. "What's wrong?" he asks and i dont say anything making him sigh. "Eli told me that you said he needed to leave you alone."

"And?" i ask not really know where he's going with this.

"You like him and he likes you so why would you say that?" he looks a bit confused. I flip my visor so i can satir at him.

"Thats why i said it because i like him and im saying the same to you. Your my best friend and its not safe." i start up my bike and flip my visor saying "Bye Matthew." before pulling away.

I get home and sigh in frustration when i plop down on my bed. What am i going to do at school tomorrow.


My alarm goes off and i grudgingly get up. I line my eyes like always and just throw on some black skinnies and a black sweatshirt. I throw my hair in a messy bun and go downstairs.

When i get down there i grab my keys and yell a goodbye before getting on my bike and going to school. I dont park where i usually do. No because that is where all of them are. So i park on the other side of the lot and put my hood up walking to the front of the school.

I go into first period and sit in my assigned seat. Matthew comes in and i dont even look at him i just keep my attention on the front of the class. He doesnt talk to me either but i see him looking at me out of the corner of my eye.

Half way through the class i guess he gets fed up because he slams his hands down on the desk gaining everyone attention. I jump and look over to hm shocked. Matty has never showed signs of aggression so i guess im making him mad. "I dont get it." he says and i look around the room at everyone. Their all watching us in interest even the teacher. "What did i do that was so horrible." So Eli must not have told him what was going on.

"You dont need to get it." i close my book and put my stuff in my bag because i really dont need this now.

"I do though because your my best friend Blake and best friends dont do this." he says with a raised voice.

Sighing loudly i stand and hoist my bag over my shoulder. "We're not best friends Matthew get that straight. I dont like you, i never have and i never will. Leave me alone dude alright or your gonna get hurt." With that i walk out of the classroom. It's like a knife stabbed me in the heart because i love Matty like a brother. He was my best friend really the only friend i had that was amazing.

He knew me i know we only new each other a few weeks but he could read me like his favorite book. For him to be safe though i couldnt be his friend i cant talk and be nice to him. Even if it brakes me i'll keep them safe.

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