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Chapter 14:

"I'm sorry guys there just a lot you don't know about." I apologize the next morning at school.

"Can you tell us or is it secret?" Camry asks and I sigh but nod anyways. "Well then we wont pressure you to tell but if you need to talk we're here for you."

"I know and thank you."

She sighs and give me a hug. "Don't ever do that again Blake." I hug her back tightly but I don't say anything. If I have not really leave then im not going to tell them they'll just never see me again. "Will you come to church with us tonight?" she asks hopefully and I smile.

"What time?"

"Five to eight." Eli says and I think about it for a second.

"Bliss has to come."

"She can play with Ashley." Blane says shrugging and I suck in some breath at that one.

"Ashley doesn't like Bliss anymore because I wasn't talking to you."

He widens his eyes and gives me a really look and I nod. "I'll talk to her after school."

"So do I wear like a dress or what?"

Camry shakes her head and says "What you have on now should be fine."

I look down at my black ripped jeans and white and black striped shirt with a shrug. I don't think its all that dressy but I guess they must not dress up on these days. The bell rings and we all part ways. Matty hooks his arm through mine and I give him an amused look.

"What? Can't a guy walk his best friend to class. Geesh." he says defensively making me chuckle.

"You can just what's with the arm?"

He looks down at me and gives me a duh look. "I'm showing everyone that we're STILL and will remain best friends." Nodding slowly I just leave it alone and continue to class.

When we walk in everyone turns to look at us no doubt thinking we're bipolar. Yesterday we were yelling and banging on desks and today our arms are hooked together and we're joking around.

"The duo is together again." Someone says and I turn my head to see the teacher watching us with a smile.

"We were never apart Mr. Douglas." Matty says in a matter of fact tone and I shake my head at him.

Mr. Douglas -I never knew his name but he's a pretty awesome teacher- chuckles and lets us proceed to our seats. "Okay lets begin."


"Do you want to go to church tonight?" I ask Bliss when she gets to the bike. She has a scowl on her face and I raise my brows at her because she isn't going to act like this. Family is forever friends are an occurrence. She doesn't answer me she just stands there waiting for me to put her on the bike. "Your going to talk to me Bliss. It's a yes or no answer."

Crossing my arms across  my chest I wait for her to answer but she just stairs at the ground defiantly. "Fine i'll drop you off with daddy." I lift her onto the bike and she sighs finally ready to talk.

"I don't know who im going to play with." her voice wobbles a little and I look down at her sadly.

"Blane said he was going to talk to her today after school."

"Really?" Bliss asks brightening a bit. She turns a little to see my face and I nod. "Okay i'll go."

Smiling I flip her visor and oull out of the lot going home so she can get something to eat before we go. "Take Moo out while I make us some sandwiches?" I ask and she nods going to the bathroom to get him.

"He made a mess." she says when she comes back into the kitchen with him an arms length away from her.

"Alright." I sighs and finish making the sandwiches before I go to the bathroom and clean up his mess. She wasn't kidding when she said mess. I can't wait until he gets potty trained and I don't have to do this any more.

"Are you almost ready to go?" I ask her when I get my sandwich and plop down on the couch beside her.

"Mhmm." she mumbles entranced by the television. We hurry and eat our sandwiches and lock Moo into the bathroom before getting on my bike and making our way to church.

Bliss jumps up and down excitedly and takes her helmet off. I help her down and get of myself before taking mine off with a shake of my hair. "BLAKE!" someone shouts and I turn to see Matty getting out of a car with two adults. He motions me over and I walk over there gripping Blisses hand. He should have told me I was meeting the rents and I would have worn something more presentable.

We stop infront of them and I smile kindly. This is my mom Susan and my dad George. Susan is a beautiful young woman of about thirty and George is a looker also with his salt and pepper hair. "Hi I'm Balke."

"Matthew has told us so much about you. He says you are his best friend." the woman says with a kind smile and I nod.

"Matty is an amazing person and I don't deserve the title but im happy to take it." I mumble and Matty gives me a nasty look.

"They way our boy talks about you i'd say you deserve it." the man says and I give him a kind smile.

"Well thank you."

"We'll leave you kids." they say and walk off to go and talk to some other people.

"Your parents seem really nice." I say to Matty and he hooks his arms through mine again with a smile.

"Their great." he brag and I bump my hip with his.

"Sissy." Bliss whines and I look down at her with a questioning look. "Where's Ashley?"

"I don't know but we'll look for her." We enter the church and Matty tugs us one way saying she is probably with all of the other little kids. We enter a room with lots of yelling and screaming and I widen my eyes at Matty. These kids are off the hook.

Theres two teachers running around trying to keep these twenty little hood rats in check and I shake my head because they can not watch all twenty of them at once. Bliss tugs at my hand and I look down to see her pointing. My eyes follow her finger and I see Ashley sitting in the corner playing babies with another little girl.

She pulls me toward them and I say "If you want to stay in here Bliss you have to act civilized. I'm going to check on you and if your running around i'm given you a spankin." I inform her and she nods seriously.

Bliss has never been one to act wild but you never know these kids could influence her. "Ashley." Bliss says and the little girl turns to her with a big smile making me sigh in relief.

"Bliss do you want to play?" she asks and Bliss nods going to sit beside her. Ashley gives her a doll and tells her what their playing.

"I told Cherill that Bliss was staying." Matty says when I walk over to him at the door. We go out of the room only to enter another one with a stage and chairs and all that jazz. "I have to play but Camry and everyone else will be with you." he informs taking a seat beside me.

"So what do I do?"

"We will hear the word from Pastor Mike and then we do worship. Worship for us is just singing and everyone stands up there." he says pointing to the big opening infront of the stage. I nod in understanding but I don't know what to do while im standing there. Do I sway or what? "There's Eli." Matty says waving his hands wildly.

I look over to see handsome Eli in the same dark jeans and blue shirt he was in at school. It may be a simple outfit but he makes it look like he's ready for a photo shoot. "Blake." he says with a breathtaking smile when he gets to us and I stand to give him a hug. "I'm happy you came."

"Is it good to be nervous?" I ask because all of a sudden a wave of nervousness overtakes me.

"Nervous is good." he says smiling and I give him a forced one back. "Just let God lead you and everything will be fine."

"That's what i'm afraid of." I mumble and he gives me a confused look but I shake my head and smile up a him.

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