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Chapter 10:

"Can you tell me why those men killed your mother?" he asks and i nod. He gets a look of disbelief and i give him a weak smile.

Sitting back in the booth i get comfortable before i start my story. "My mother was an awesome and loving person but when it came to her family she was a shark. Her father was in a bad business..." i start not telling him what kind of business. "These men hated him so they did what they had to to get what they wanted. They wanted his business so they took my mother thinking he would just give up everything and get her back. What they didnt know is he didnt care about family he loved his money way more. They gave him twenty four hours to sign everything over to him and when he didnt they shot her and dumped her on my fathers front porch. When he got to her she was still alive she told him she loved him and then she asked for forgiveness. My daddy wanted revenge on the men......." i trail off here because this is where it starts to tell why we moved here.

Eli sits there taking everything in wide eyed. "What kind of business was he in?"

I frown because i figured it was pretty obvious. "He was a drug Lord for one of the biggest gangs in Cali."

"What do you mean was?" he asks hanging onto every word.

I take a bite of my cake and watch him for a few minutes before answering. "Thats one of the things i cant tell you."

"Will you ever tell me?"

Standing i look at him and state "I need to go." i should have never found friends and especially someone that i like as much as i do Eli. "Can your gran give you a ride home?"

"Wait, wait." Eli says grabbing my wrist when i go to leave. He standa and turns me to him. "What's going on Blake?"

"Look Eli i like you and thats not good. Just stay away form me and everything will be fine." i yank my wrist out of his and run out of the diiner doors. When i put my helmet on i glance at the diner and see Eli in the window with a sad frown on his face.


"I told him and then i told him to stay away." i mumble throwing myself on the couch beside my daddy.

"Why'd you do that?"

I give him a nasty look and say "If they find us then he'll be the first one they target. I'm not gonna let him be hurt because i fell in love." i mumble because yah i didn fall in love with him. He's sweet and loving he makes me laugh and feel all tingly. I've ever felt this way about someone so i kow its love and i'm not gonna let my feelings get him hurt.

"You fell in love?" daddy asks shutting off the television. He sits up straighter and looks me over with squinted eyes.

Nodding i say "Yes and thats not good for him."

"Tiger you dont know if they'll find us. If you stay low you'll be fine." he says trying to reassure me but i dont care because they always find us when i get friends. Soon or later they'll actually catch one of us.

"Daddy the down low isn't always the best. Not talking to him will be best." i stand and grab Moo off f the couch. He grunts opening his eyes to see me. "I'm going to bed see you in the morning."

"Night Tiger love you." daddy says after me an di say the same.

When i get into my room i open my bible and start reading from the beginning. When i get to God making Adam and taking his rib to make Eve i close it with a sigh. Everything is always about relationships when your going through a rough patch in yours.


Knocking on the door i hope and pray Blane deosnt answer it but its just my luck that he does. I frown because i cut off Eli so that means i have to cut off all of my other friends. "IS Bliss ready?" i ask shortly.

"She's getting her shoes on. Do you wanna come in?" he ask and i shake my head no.

"Will you tell her i'll be in the car." i go to turn to leave but Blane calls me back.

"Are you doing alright Blake?"

I turn and give him a small smile. "I'm fine Blane thanks. Can you just tell her for me please?" he nods and i sigh gratefully before getting in the car.

"You dont have to be short with them." daddy tells me and i look over to him with a frown. "We moved so you and Bliss could have a normal life Tiger. You not having friends is not having a normal life."

"Me not having normal friends is better than those friends getting hurt because i have the. Why are you trying to push friends on me anyways?" i demand because he deosnt have any friends so why do i need to have any.

Daddy sighs loudly and says "I just want you to be happy Tiger and rght now your not happy."

"I'm fine daddy." i pop in my ear phones so i dont have to hear anything else.

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