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Chapter 7:


By the time i work up enough courage to ask daddy what he thought about church it is Wednesday. I know im a coward but i didn't want to ask untill he calmed down a little. I know he was uncomfortable and i didn't want to make those feelings intensify so i waited a few days.

I get up Tuesday morning with it on my mind. I couldn't sleep all night because all i could do was think about what my daddy thought about church. So still in my pajamas at four in the morning i pad tiredly down the hall and into his room. The door is cracked and i open it all the way slowly.

He's lying on his bed asleep and i wince because he has to work today so i dont want to wake him up but the questions not going to go away untill i ask. I'm not going to get any sleep untill i ask so i suck it upa nd go over to his bed.

Sitting down on the edge i tap his shoulder lightly and whisper. "Daddy."

His eyes open quickly and he sits upp looking around for danger. It's reflex for him and i know this but i still jump. "Are you okay Tiger?" he asks looking me over for damage.

Nodding i slide my body farther on the bed and sit against the head board. "I need to ask you a question."

"At four in the morning?" daddy asks looking at me seriously. I nod and he sits back opening his arms to me. I scoot in and lay my head against his chest tiredly. "Go ahead."

Looking up at him to catch his reaction i ask "What did you think about Church Sunday?"

He gives me a confused look but not before i catch his surprise. "It was fine."

My face gets serious when he tries lying "Don't lie daddy i know how to read you. Some may not but don't lie to me because i know you like the back of my hand."

Daddy sighs and looks ahead of him into the darkness. "It brought back alot of memories. Memories that i didnt want to bring up because i resent what they did and what i did. They forced me to go to church and i hated it so i rebelled. I knew it wsasn't right and i regret that every day but i know it happened for a reason and when i found your mom." he chokes up a little when he says mom and i tighten my arms around him in support.

"When i found her i knew she was all i needed she was everything a man could wish for and when she gave me you and Bliss i was on cloud nine. When those bastards killed her i blamed God and going to church made me realise maybe that was also a part of his plan."

"It was his plan for her to be killed?" i ask really confused because why would he want her to die? She was wonderful and sweet and she never did anything to hurt anyone unless it was for her family.

Daddy nods and looks down at me. "Before she died she asked for forgiveness. You mother new God was real. Before she died thats what she used her last breath to ask." I sit there thinking over what i just learned.

Eli told me that God forgives everyone. So my mother asked for forgiveness when she was on her death bed.  "Does that mean she went to Heaven?" Again i want to know why she knew Go why he knew God and we never went to church. They never spoke his name but they knew he was real. She knew to ask for forgiveness before she took her last breath.

Daddy smiles kissing my forehead. "Go to sleep Tiger thats nothing you need to worry about."

I grumble under my breath because i am worrying about it thats why im asking. I know not to ask him more when he tells me to leave it alone so i scoot down and cuddle up to his blankets falling asleep.


When i wake up its because the sun is streaming in my daddy's windows. Is it up quickly in shock and look at the clock. The big blue letters shine bright at me that it's eleven in the morning. Groggily i wipe my eyes and get out of daddys bed padding down stairs.

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