Arc 2 - Chapter 13

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At an unknown location, a certain Doctor was creating organisms that they call "Nomu". These were Bio-engineered using a mix of quirks ingrained into a single body to put it in simple terms.

"The high-end Nomu is finally complete, All For One. All we need to do now is to test it." (Doctor)

"Oh, right on time. I'm sure even All Might would have a tough time against this one." (All For One)

Ecstatic to hear All For One's approval, the Doctor danced happily. 

"However," All For One had more to say, "I'm uncertain that this will be able to kill him. He's been doing more and more hero-work as of late, to the point where I question if his injury was healed." 

The Doctor immediately disagreed, "Impossible. Unless there was a quirk that turned back time or a quirk that could heal injuries to that level! I've confirmed neither exist, All For One."

"It is as you say. No quirk out there could heal injuries like his." (All For One)

"Then, what are you trying to say?" (Doctor)

"I have found another suitable body to turn into a Nomu." 

All of a sudden, Kurogiri appeared out of nowhere and was holding what looked like a skeleton of a human.

"Don't be surprised, this human is not dead. His quirk mutated his appearance that his flesh and bones never developed. And his quirk is very amusing, synonymous to his appearance." All For One snickered. "[Necromancy] is what I like to call it. He could control the nerves of other organisms so long as they don't resist."

All For One's words made the Doctor's eyes sparkle. "Very fascinating! And what better way to find organisms that don't resist than ones that have already died."

Their conversation truly described their personalities. 

But, just as they were happily going over many ways they could make use of this body...

"Lord... Rimuru...." (Skeletal Body)

The Soul of "Adalman", one of Rimuru's 12 Patrons back at the Cardinal World, took over this skeletal figure.


On our way to school, a bunch of people were gathering at the front gates of UA. This is the worst possible timing for us to be going to school...

I could spot Iida being interviewed by these people, but it seems like what Iida was saying isn't exactly what they wanted to hear.

"Ah, hey you!" (Reporter)

Oh shit, I've been spotted.

"Yes?" (Rimuru) 

When I turned to look at him, the reporter seemed a bit taken back and suddenly straightened his necktie.

"Can you tell us what's All Might like as a teacher?" (Reporter)

What he's like as a teacher, huh...? I guess there are a few things I could say. 

"I've only been to one of his classes so far, and it was about hero education. I'd say he's doing well as a teacher." (Rimuru)

There was another thing I didn't say about All Might, since I was concerned that he'd be embarrassed if I spoke about it to the media. I'd say All Might is 80% a muscle head and 20% teacher material.

The reporter, seemingly unsatisfied, asked more questions. "Can you give us more details about this class, Miss?"

"I'll have to refrain from doing that." (Rimuru)

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