Arc 2- Chapter 16

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"Everyone! Please form two lines separated by gender! We will be boarding the bus soon, so I expect everyone to have lined up before Aizawa-sensei gets here!" (Iida)

Iida seems to be fitting in well with his role. 

It was finally time to go to the USJ. All of my classmates aside from a few were pleasantly surprised to hear that we were going to train there

"This is so exciting, right, Deku?" (Uraraka) 

"A-ah, yeah!" (Izuku)

Uraraka came up to Izuku, which in turn caused him to blush. Fufu, the little boy's crush is right in front of his face, who wouldn't get flustered.

But wait, hmm? Did Uraraka just call Izuku 'Deku'? How and when did that happen. Izuku doesn't seem to mind either.

Oh well, he might've gone home with his crush while I wasn't looking. Maybe the two got closer or something, fufu. Keep up that great work, buddy.

"Bakugo! Get in line!" (Iida)

"You don't get to boss me around, four eyes. I can hear you well without you shouting." (Bakugo)

As usual, Iida scolded Bakugo once again. I can't, that's just so dynamically hilarious. I recall a certain comedian back on Earth— oh wait, this is Earth.

As I was about to fight against my inner thoughts, Aizawa-sensei had arrived along with All Might.

"Alright, get on. We're leaving now." (Aizawa)

We got on the bus after the people in the front followed Aizawa-sensei inside. I don't if it's a curse, but I always seem to get the front row seat. 

"Let's make sure our classmates behave, Rimuru-kun!" Iida who was sitting next left to me enthusiastically said so.

"Ahahaha, we will!" I tried to respond with the same enthusiasm.

Suddenly, Kaminari came up from behind Iida and went to his left side. "My good buddy Iida, don't get too ahead of yourself, alright?"  I heard Kaminari say this with a smile to Iida. 

But both me and Iida had no clue what he meant as Iida just replied with a "Sure...?"

"Sit down, we're departing now." Aizawa-sensei lightly scolded Kaminari on standing up from his seat.  

After a little bit of a ride, we finally arrived at the Unforeseen Simulation Joint. This place was massive...

"Holy crap, how big is this place?!" (Kirishima)

"Wooohooo! This is what I've been waiting for!" (Sero)

The guys sure seemed excited, well, I am too but it was for a different reason. 

"HAHAHAHA! You younglings sure seem excited, but remember, this isn't a trip, it's training! At the Unforeseen Simulation Join, you'll have many things to experience here." (All Might)

"Well said, All Might! It's as he says, students. The Unforeseen Simulation Joint, or USJ in short, is a place where you experience different kinds of disastrous situations. You will all mainly practice search and rescue, so I expect proper behavior." (Thirteen)

All Might's words were followed up not by Aizawa-sensei, but by another Pro-Hero who was here to help us train.

Izuku immediately identified her for us, "I know it's Pro-Hero Thirteen! The Space Hero who specializes in search and rescue! I am a great fan! It's nice to meet you!"

Izuku immediately went into his 'fanboy' mode.

"Hahaha, I'm happy to hear that." Thirteen perfectly received Izuku's fanboy mode. 

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