Chapter 20

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"You are very welcome Sweet Pea," Gabe beamed as he hugged her and smiled at her kisses that she planted all over his face.

"Excuse me," Amy whispered as she rushed to her room. She rushed to the bathroom, shut the door and slid to the floor.

"Trouble, open the door," Gabe said after a couple of minutes.

"I'll be out in a minute," She called back and she placed her elbows on her knees and clutched her hair.

"Open the door, Trouble," Gabe ordered. "Now, we need to talk."

"Just give me a minute Gabriel," She groaned as her head started to ache.

"Color," he ordered and she sighed.

"Not now Gabriel," She called out. "Just give me a minute."

"Answer me Amy," Gabe said as he leaned against the door. "Color."

"Six, orange," She sighed. "Now just give me a minute."

"Talk to me Trouble," He said as he tried the doorknob again. "Open the door and talk to me."

"I can't," She groaned.

"Yes you can," He said, "Its' me your Meanie, you can talk to me about anything, you know that."

"Not about this," She said tilting her head back making it hit the door.

"Open the door Trouble and talk to me," He said gently. "Come on, we will talk like we use to when it was something very serious. Open communication, I promise. Color?"

"Same," She admitted. "Promise?"

"Promise promise," He said and held his breath. The turning of the doorknob made him internally sigh in relief and take a few steps back. She kept her head down and walked past him to sit on the bed. He smiled softly and got on the bed behind her. He pressed his back against her back and tilted his head back until it was touching the back of her head. She slowly slid her hand out and he intertwined his fingers with hers. "Talk."

"It threw me for a loop when she called you that," She admitted softly. "It scared me."

"Why?" he asked confused.

"Because..." she trailed off.

"Because why?" he asked.

"Because it would change everything," She finally admitted after some time in silence.

"How fucking so?" He was so confused on the situation. Then it dawned on, "Because you fear if won't work out between us."

"Maybe," She whispered, "yes."

"What have I been fucking telling you since we reunited Trouble?" He asked softly.

"You are never letting me go again," She whispered. "We are stuck with you. We are yours."

"So if I am never letting you fucking go then how will it not work out?"

"Being a parent is really hard at times," She sighed, "It's a completely different reality than what you are used to having. Your whole life revolves around someone other than yourself."

"Our lives already fucking revolve around the two of you, Trouble" he chuckled. "You two have brought us so much happiness that we didn't realize we were goddamn missing. Our lives mainly revolved around fucking work and now it's all about fucking family again. My life has barely had any goddamn happiness since I lost you Trouble. Yeah, I had some good fucking times with the family I have now but now that I have you back, it has been way more fucking happier than I could ever goddamn imagine. You and that little girl that is upstairs painting with Luke and Corey, are what makes our family fucking complete, Trouble."

"Eventually you are going to want a relationship with someone Meanie," She sighed sadly. "I can't let my daughter bond to you and then break her heart when you find your true love. I can't do that to her."

Gabriel sighed, "You are my true love Trouble, you have been since you were seven years old. Yeah, I knew it even fucking back then. You have had my heart since the day I fucking met you on the sidewalk where you were fucking drawing with those three fucking chalk pieces."

"What?" she asked shocked.

"You are my true love Trouble," He repeated. "What do you think I have been trying to fucking tell you every goddamn time I tell you to listen to what my heart tells you? It's been telling you that I fucking love you Trouble. I meant it when I said you are mine and my brothers. We all love you and that little girl. You are ours now and forever."

"Meanie," She whispered as tears slid down her face.

"We know you need time to adjust and get over everything you have fucking been through. We are willing to fucking wait and take it however fucking slow you need to take it. We can fucking continue on like we are now if you want. Just try and think about it Trouble, please?"

"All of you?" She asked shocked. "Seriously?"

"Yes," He nodded, "We've known for years that there was one girl for all of us. I've always been goddamn honest with them about you owning my heart and they agreed to see if you were it for them if the day ever fucking came that I found you. I've been searching for you Trouble since the day my stepmother fucking made us move. You are fucking it for me Trouble. I've never wanted anyone since I met you and I'll never want anyone ever again. Well besides the guys of course, they own my fucking heart too. Is that a problem?"

"I thought you were gay," She admitted, "I never imagined or thought you would be more than my best friend." She grew quiet and he just waited. "I don't know what true love is," She admitted after some time. "I thought it didn't exist, it was only in movies and books."

"But what about your fucking marriage?" He asked confused.

"My drink was spiked at a party I was forced to go to with some so called friends," She whispered, "I woke up the next day in blood and he left me a note thanking him for such a good time. Two months later I got sick and found out I was pregnant. I tracked him down to let him know and he convinced me it was the right thing to do to get married. I honestly thought I would never see you again, Meanie and if I did you would be disgusted and disappointed in me. You were my knight in shining armor and you weren't there. I was even starting to think I had made you up and you weren't real. She was my only source of happiness. I wanted to show her what you showed me so I finally gathered the courage to leave him but a small part of me hoped once I did he would realize what a mistake it was and change his ways. I was a fool for thinking so."

"No you weren't," He shook his head and squeezed her hand. "He was the goddamn fool for not realizing how fucking special you are. But that works out for me, because now I have you back and I'm not going to make that fucking mistake. I know how wonderful and special the two of you are."

"Meanie," She sighed and he squeezed her hand.

"Just try and take it one day at a time, okay?"

She pulled her hand free, turned and crawled into his lap. He wrapped his arms around her and rubbed her back. "Still be my best friend?"

"Always," He promised gently stroking her hair, "Always."

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