Chapter 32

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"Proceed Mr. Blackbourne," The judge said.

Owen hit play and waited, "But what about your fucking marriage?" Gabe asked confused.

"My drink was spiked at a party I was forced to go to with some so called friends," Amy whispered, "I woke up the next day in blood and he left me a note thanking him for such a good time. Two months later I got sick and found out I was pregnant. I tracked him down to let him know and he convinced me it was the right thing to do to get married."

Owen hit play again, Amy is sitting on the porch and opens her phone. She hit play and Mason's voice came through, "Answer your fucking phone Amy, where the fuck is my daughter? I will make your life even more of a living hell then it already is if you don't call me back."

She took a deep breath and hit some buttons on her phone. "Hello Mason. I got your message."

"It's about damn time, where the fuck are you and my daughter?"

"Why, Mason? You filed for termination of your rights, that means you don't want to be her father. Why do you care now?"

"It's none of your damn business you stupid whore. Now either tell me where she is or I will have you arrested for kidnapping and I will make sure you will never see her again."

"I'm her mother, I can't kidnap her," She shook her head. "Why do you want her after all these years? You use to rub it in my face that you hated me for trapping you, why now do you want to be a father?"

"You did trap me you stupid imbocile! You got pregnant on purpose!"

"You raped me Mason!" She shouted then burst into tears.

"There you go again being a fucking cry baby," He seethed.

"You raped me Mason. You spike my drink and drugged me and raped me!"

"If you hadn't been wearing that slutty dress and acting so easy then pushed me away I wouldn't have drugged you. You shouldn't have teased me if you didn't want to have sex. Don't be a tease if you don't want to deal with the consequences. All this is your fucking fault! You think I want a stupid bitch for a wife? No, but I'm stuck with you so fucking deal with it!"

"No," She shook her head, "You said you were done with us and filed all the paperwork so I don't have to deal with you anymore. You got your wish, you no longer have to contact us ever again. Goodbye Mason."

"Listen here slut," He growled, "I may not want to deal with you but marriage is forever so you are stuck with me and I'm stuck with you. I will never let you go—"

"You did when you signed the divorce papers," She cleared her throat. "I thank you for that spur of the moment anger when you threw them at me. That is the best thing you could have done for us. Goodbye." She hung up the phone and wiped her tears.

"I must say that is very interesting," the judge said. Just then the doors opened and Aleksei walked in. "Yes?" The judge asked.

"You Honor," He said nodding, "Proof of attack order by Mason Bennett." He held up paperwork and the judge looked shocked while Mason groaned and punched the desk.

"Give them to the bailiff," the judge nodded and Aleksei handed them over. The bailiff passed them over and the judge cleared his throat. "Well, it seems the man that attacked your client Mr. Blackbourne," He said as he flipped through the stack of papers, "was paid by Mr. Bennett and is the stalker that you mentioned in your paperwork. This shows that he was indeed obsessed with your client and when his house was raided by the police there was evidence of false identities for him, your client, and her daughter. He had almost everything planned to go overseas to a country with no extradition. He has admitted to being paid by Mr. Bennett to stalk her and that stalking for information turned into obsession. If Mr. Bennett didn't want her or their daughter, this man saw it his place to have them. Do you know who this man is, Mr. Blackbourne?"

"No, Your Honor," Owen shook his head, "the last I was informed was that he was still being treated in the hospital from my client's protection dogs bites that he sustained when he attacked my client."

"Da," Aleksei nodded, "Information just come in, no chance tell yet."

The judge nodded, "The man is one Richard Clark, half brother of Mason Bennett."

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