Chapter 13

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"Mommy?" Iris asked scared.

"I'm fine Baby Girl," Amy smiled and reached out for her. Corey sat her in Amy's lap while looking at the guys with concern. Victor was talking to Brandon a few steps away from them. "It was just the wrong number, I promise everything is okay." She kissed her cheek then the other one making Iris giggle. "Now Corey said he got you a pretty new car seat in his car. Would you like to go sit in it to go see Luke and make lots and lots of cookies?"

"Peas," Iris smiled brightly making Amy beam, "I tow pincess hair Me Me gib me."

"He will love it," Amy nodded, "Go have fun while Meanie makes Mommy's hair all pretty okay?"

"Otay, bye Mommy wub you," Iris kissed her as Corey took her.

"I love you Baby Girl, have lots of fun," Amy smiled watching as Corey shifted her. "Corey?"

"Raven's on his way," Corey said just as the door opened and loud footsteps echoed.

"Kitten?" Raven growled making Corey chuckle.

"Speak of the devil and he shall appear."

"Baby Kitten," Raven smiled taking her from Corey, "So pretty."

"Taint Too," She beamed and hugged him.

"Kitten?" Raven asked looking at Amy.

"Is staying here," Gabe said sternly, "I need to fix her hair."

"I'll stay here with Gabe," Silas said coming into the salon. "Nathan is on his way as well."

"Da," Raven nodded. "Plan?"

"We are taking Sweet Pea to Luke," Corey explained. "Vic is having North and Brandon meet him to get her a new car. I'll look into everything else later."

"Da," Raven nodded, "No alone."

"They won't be alone, Raven," Nathan said coming over to them. "Go, get her to Luke."

"Bye bye Mommy," Iris waved and Amy blew her kisses.

Once Iris was out of her sight, Amy stood, "Excuse me," She whispered as she rushed to the bathroom and shut the door. She leaned against the door and slid to the floor. She pressed the palms of her hands into her eyes and took a deep breath then shakingly let it out. Taking another deep breath then another she tried to control the roller coaster she felt she was on but she couldn't. She felt like she was starting to drown. Clutching her shirt she started to pull on it, it felt like it was tightening on her and she was starting to lose her breath.

Gabe looked up from what he was doing when he heard the bang on the door. Silas and Nathan looked at him in confusion when he started counting, "One...two...three...four...fix...six, fucking hell," He mumbled as he dropped everything in his hands and rushed to the bathroom. "Move out of the fucking way Trouble, let me," he said gently pushing on the door. He heard her move then opened the door. "Fucking hell," He dropped to his knees and grabbed her hands off her shirt, "You're fucking okay Trouble, you're okay, look at me Trouble. Look fucking at me," he placed her hands on his shirt making her clutch it. "Look at your Meanie."

"," She sobbed squeezing his shirt.

"You can," He nodded, "Everything is okay, I fucking promise, everything is fucking okay." He pulled her hair up into a mess bun out of her face and pulled her into his lap making her wrap her legs around his waist and moved her arms from his chest onto his back. "Squeeze it out Trouble," He whispered as he rubbed her back. "Listen to what my heart's fucking telling you." After a few moments of just her crying and then slowly sniffling he kissed the top of her head, "Color?"

"Four," She mumbled into his chest. "Teal."

"That's okay," He said kissing the top of her head again. "I think we need some just Meanie and Trouble time, how does that sound?"

"Six," She mumbled as she dug her hands into his back even more to cling to him even closer although she wasn't sure it was possible. "Purple," She muffled into his neck.

"Silas, Nathan," Gabe nodded softly, "Why don't you go get us some fucking tacos with meat, cheese, and lettuce only and me a drink and her some goddamn chocolate milk please?"

"Got it," They said in unison while looking at him with questions in their eyes.

He knew he would have some explaining to do later but right now he was solely focused on her. A few minutes later they came back, sat the bags and drinks down then Nathan said, "We are going to hang out in the back, you know all those chemicals stink like hell."

"Got it," Gabe nodded while giving them a look of thanks for not pushing right now. "Fucking eat Trouble," He gently commanded while he started working on her hair. A few hours later he beamed as he swung the chair around making her gasp in awe when she saw herself. "There's my fucking Trouble."

"Oh Meanie," She smiled as she gently touched her hair. "This is the best amethyst ever!"

"Oh wow," Silas and Nathan smiled as they came hearing Gabe call for them.

"Wait until everyone fucking sees it," Gabe beamed watching her look at herself with a smile on her lips.

"Blackbourne wants everyone home as soon as they are done with their plans," Silas said softly. "Everyone is already there so you can show everyone at once."

"Let's fucking go," Gabe smiled as he wrapped his arms around her chest gently. "I can't wait to show everyone my Trouble."

She nodded stood and hugged him tightly, "Thank you Meanie."

"Oy everyone close your eyes," Gabe said as he came up behind Silas and Nathan with Amy behind him. Once everyone was sitting down with their eyes closed, Iris was sitting in North's lap giggling. "Open your eyes," He beamed as she walked in front of him. Her long straight black cherry hair was gone and her natural wavy strawberry hair was gently framing her face. "I give you my Trouble."  (Pictures off Google)

"  (Pictures off Google)

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