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18 | 888 |
[ WINTER 2020 ]

"PERSONALLY, I think she's ready to come back home," Denise folded her arms over her chest as they sat in her grandmothers family room. Terry stood off to the side, his expression dead and stressed. Terry was completely over this whole conversation. Devyne seemed completely fine at his moms house, she was getting the freedom she needed as a teen and still excelling in school while going to church all in one.

"Mom, I'm right here," Devyne spoke softly, "why're we talking about me like I'm not here? I don't wanna go back home, I think I'm fine where I am."

"Devyne hush, please." Denise's voice was soft with a harsh edge to it. "I know you think cause you eighteen and you graduate in June that you grown but you not, you still are a child and I'm still your mother. I know what's best for you."

"I'm her father and personally I think—" Terry spoke up.

"Oh Terry please," Denise sucked her teeth cutting her eyes as she waved her hand around, "you think she should stay here you always try to appeal to her and be her friend, you need to be her father!"

"I am being her father! Just because I'm not going against every little thing she says it doesn't mean I'm trying to appeal to her! I just think Devyne makes good decisions for herself and I trust my daughter!" Terry defended.

"Okay first of all," Angie frowned, "what y'all ain't gonna do is this bickerin' in my house," the doorbell sounded, "go get the doorbell baby." She nudged Devyne who got up, already knowing it was Dayvon. The plan was, everybody was supposed to go to dinner to mend differences and meet Dayvon, but, no dinner was in plans yet.

Peeking through the peephole just in case, Devyne seen Dayvon's scowling face through the peephole. Unlocking and opening the door, she smiled once she pushed the screen door open, enveloping him in a hug, pulling him in for a gentle kiss she laughed at his scowling face. "Why're you looking so mean, pooda?"

"Cause," he mumbled gently kissing her back, "you got a nigga outside in thirty degree weatha' shiverin' and shit. You know mufuckas ain' nun' but bones."

Devyne laughed as he snaked his arms around her waist, backing her up into the house. "Okay stick man."

"Yo ass always got jokes," Dayvon smirked, "it ain' gon be no fun when the rabbit got the gun."

Devyne frowned. "What does that even mean? What's up with you and all these grandpa metaphors?" For the past week Dayvon had been on a roll with them.

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