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19| 999 |
[ SPRING 2021 ]

DEVYNE dumped the heap of printed out messages, AirTags and photo evidence of Dayvon's stalking onto the front desk of the police station in front of her. The lady at the front desk slowly looking up at her and the back down at the evidence. "Um, can I help you?" She asked her slowly.

"Yeah, can I speak to an officer?" She asked timidly. Within minutes she was sitting in the office was of deputy, running down the list of threats, assaults on her vehicle, tracking.

"I have everything I would need!" She stressed flipping through the packet of threatening texts, from his number, burner numbers, the AirTags, the pictures of the brutal assault on her vehicle. "I even have the CCTV footage from target parking lot, you gotta help me. Please!" She stressed. It was the day after her prom, and although she managed to evade him the prior night. Who knows what would happen the following days to come.

The deputy chuckled half heartedly, "Devyne, you haven't even given me a chance to respond to anything." He said walking away from the keurig on his counter and back to his desk, sliding Devyne a piping hot cup of coffee. "I'm gonna help you, in anyway that I can. Take some deep breaths, you're panicking." He said to her starting the deep breathing exercises to get her to calm down. They helped. A little. But for the most part she was still panicking, her anxiety, and her love for Dayvon was almost enough to make her walk out of there and fix things with him. But the better part of her knew, sooner or later the relationship would only advance down a more dire path, and she didn't need that.

"Now, relax, and tell me what's going on." He said soothingly sitting across from her, grabbing his nearby notebook and pen. Devyne let out a deep breath.

"Dayvon Bennett wants to kill me," she said as calmly as she could, "he wants me dead because I cut the relationship with him off awhile ago after my spring formal two months or so ago. My car has had multiple AirTags attached to them," she gestured to the ziplock bag of AirTags, "he's cut my brake line, slashed my tires, threatened me in public, followed me everywhere I've been and last night at prom he told me he was going to kill me last night." She paused composing her emotions the best she could. "You have to help me or I'm gonna end up dead."

He was quiet for a moment as he stopped writing to take a look at his computer, his fingers moving at an inhumane speed on the keyboard. Minutes later, a paper slid out of the nearby printer and he handed it to Devyne with a sense of urgency. "Go down to the courthouse right now, and show a clerk this paper. You'll be able to get an emergency temporary order of protection against him within an hour. Bring it back to me and we'll serve him."

"How long is a temporary grant?"

"Thirty days," he said solemnly earning a sigh from Devyne, "but! You get a court date before the thirty days is up and if he doesn't show, the court will subpoena him—and the restraining order will be granted for another thirty days. The courts determine everything, but you have an overwhelming amount of evidence, Devyne. You did good. No way they'll deny you." He assured her.

A couple of hours later, Devyne sat in her the folder with the granted emergency temporary order in hand. Happiness fled through her veins as even though she knew it was only a month of safety, it was finally thirty days of peace and she was happy to start it.



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21 | 222 |
[ SPRING 2021 ]

     " COOK county police, open up!" Harsh bangs ricocheted off his front door as Dayvon stirred awake from his nap on the couch. "Cool county police, open the door or we'll break it down!" The strong voice of an officer boomed. Dayvon, looked around completely confused hoping that whatever the hell was going on was a restless dream. Rubbing the matter of sleep from his eyes he sat on the figgy his mind racing through what he could've done to attract police.

"I'm gonna give you to the count of ten to open the door or it's coming down!" They yelled once again. Dayvon grunted getting up from his place on the couch, heading toward his front door in a sleepy stumble. Pulling open the front door he saw three officers at his door, the name tag of one reading Deputy Scott. Dayvon frowned the evening sunset still bright through the hallway windows of his building as he squinted his chinky eyes in response.

"Dayvon Bennett?" Deputy Scott asked holding a vanilla folder in his hands. Dayvon didn't reply giving him a blank stare. Who the fuck did he think he was? "That's fine, you don't have to talk to me anyways, but you do have to talk to a judge.  You've been served." He said firmly shoving the vanilla folder into his abdomen. Dayvon furrowed his brows immediately opening the folder.

"The courthouse of cook county has granted Devyne Saint of an emergency thirty day temporary order of protection, against you, Dayvon Bennett. For the next thirty days, any form of communication with Miss Saint that is reported by her will result in one of my coon county officers coming to get you and resulting in an arrest. You must not go within 2500 yards of Miss Saint or you therefore will be prosecuted. You will receive a letter in the mail from the courthouse with the date of a court hearing you most appear in. If you do not, it will result in the court subpoenaing you, and the order of protection will continue for another thirty days. Hope you understand. Have a great day." And with that, the officers left Dayvon in a shocked stupor in front of his own apartment door.

His obsession had grown to a length of where his love had contacted authorities. A place he'd never let the other get to. He'd granted Devyne too much slack, but her slack was about to become nonexistent.


a lil something to hold y'all off while I attempt to work on my other books. obsession is coming to an end soon, hate to inform y'all but this book really wasn't supposed to drag on this long. ):

who's y'all favorite character in this book?

anyways, until next time ladies. love always and stay safe 💕


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