Silver | Night Garden

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✎ ⌜ just some gardening at night with silver <3 ⌟

▁ no warnings

▁species: mobian

▁btw; this was inspired by the comic 'idw' <3

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you used the straw that was in your smoothie that you've made a few moments ago as you walked out to the backyard of your home. it was 11: 55 at night, and you thought you'd be asleep at that time, but you were wrong. you were wide awake and as you did go to sleep, at 9 PM. you woke to the sound of nothing. you literally woke up for no reason whatsoever. 

so here you are now, sitting on your sunchair, looking at the forest that was behind your house fences in your backyard. if you were being honest, that forest gave you the creeps. it was always so creepy at night, but in the middle of the day, you loved how beautiful it looked. 

as the moon lit up most of the bushes in your backyard, your eye caught the sight of the bush a few feet away from you move, like something just ran past it in a hurry. with caution, you slowly stood up and grab a rake that was leaning against the sliding doors entering your home. 

you walked gently over to the bush that you saw move, and saw that the greenhouse near the edge of the forest, that the light was on. 

'great- dumb raccoons got in again, i bet...'

as you grasped the rake, you made your way to the greenhouse and knocked down the door. the light shined bright around the area, making it clear to see an ivory hedgehog stand in the middle of the house, a bunch of gardening tools levitating around him with a light blue aura around them. he looked at you with large eyes and a worried face.

"wait- i got this! i'm--"

the white hedgehog began to speak before a large watering hose knocked him in the head and he fell over.


you watched as all the objects in the air fell to the ground, with a loud clattering echoing through the area. the ivory hedgehog stood up and chuckled nervously at you, his fingers twiddling with each other.

"who are you and what are you doing in my greenhouse?" you asked.

the hedgehog stammered on his words a bit as he spoke.

"i-uh...i-i found your greenhouse and i-i couldn't help but explore it. once i entered...i-i  saw all these plants that you've grown and i was amazed by them that...i tried to grow one myself..." the hedgehog pointed towards a dry, broken plant that was planted in the dirt and frowned.

"i don't know what i was doing wrong...i'm sorry if i uh--scared you in anyway..."

"what- pfft- no..." you threw the rake out the door and shut it quickly. "not at all..."

walking towards the animal, you asked him, 'so what's your name?'

with a smile, the hedgehog answered. "silver! silver the hedgehog." with a smile, you kneed down to his plant and hummed.

"y/n! and it's obvious i'm a a/n!" 

you placed your hand around the plant silver said he made and ripped it out of the ground. you heard his whimper when you did and you looked back when you saw his ears droop and his fingers were in his mouth as he looked at you with hurtful eyes.

"oh, sorry! but this plant was dying. it wasn't gonna grow any more than it already wasn't"

silver watched you with a curious look on his face as you walked over to a green bucket and placed the dead plant in it and took out green gloves, replacing them on your hands with your f/c ones. 

when you took his hand, he blushed a little before getting pulled by you towards a patch f dry dirt. you handed him a watering can, which he took happily and confusingly. "start by watering this patch of dirt while i get some seeds!"

silver obeyed and began to slowly water.

you walked back to the bucket and walked back to silver with a sack of strawberry seeds to plant. you smiled when you saw silver levitate himself to reach the edge points of the dirt. as he placed his boots on the ground. 

"what's that?" silver asked as you handed him the sack of the strawberries and began to make small holes in the dirt. "those are strawberry seeds, we're gonna plant those to make strawberries!" you smiled as you and he began to place the seeds in the holes.

after the holes were patched with dirt, you smiled at silver who smiled back. "hey, sorry for uh- ya know, coming into your greenhouse and scaring you..."

you sighed and placed a hand on his shoulder. "it's cool. but i think you should head out now, meet here tomorrow at 3?" you asked and the hedgehog chuckled. "yeah...i'd like that!"

"it's a date..."

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