Shadow (platonic) HCS!

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― sonic actually introduced you to shadow one day at a cafe <3 after hearing about this 'ultimate lifeform' you were so excited to finally meet him. when he laid his eyes on you, he at first didn't like you. but sonic insisted on getting to know you better, and shadow thought he would regret it, but he said fine

― he didn't regret it AT ALL

― you remind him of maria. not by the way you look, but by the way you acted. maria was a kind, sweet soul. always wanting to meet new people and explore different places with the people you love.

― he would want to be with you 24/7

"shads, you saw y/n only 20 minutes ago..." ""

― he's very protective over you because he's scared of losing you. it will feel like he's losing maria all over again. he doesn't want to go through that pain again.

― when you and him hangout, he's usually quiet and doesn't really talk. he would normally sit on either your's or his couch, and lean back. have a leg over one leg, and his arms crossed with his eyes closed and he would listen to you ramble about your day and the best part of your weeks.

― when your sad, he goes into full-on panic/kill mode. he'll ask you made you this upset that you started to cry and comfort you by hugging you and wrapping a blanket around you, handing you snacks and tv movies to watch, as he goes to find whoever made you cry.

― when you're sick, he would just panic. nothing else. it will remind him of when maria would be sick and he STILL couldn't save her. but he would still be there for you, no matter how painful it is when he sees you throw up in the toilet and cry because of the pain in your throat when you barf up basically acid.

― he can't get really mad at you, but when he yells and make you cry, he feels really bad and apologizes in the most heartwarming way possible. he never tries to make you cry cause he cherishes you far too much.

― amy finds it cute how much shadow loves you, it's the same love that he gave to maria when she was still here with us.

― shadow feels like he has a second chance on living, with you, he smiles a little more. he still hates sonic with a passion, but ever since he met you, shadow cools down a little bit when he sees the blue faker.

― he would protect you protect him. <3 he would die for you, just like he would with maria ♡

 <3 he would die for you, just like he would with maria ♡

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