Tails | Inventor

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: ̗̀➛ ⌜ tails trys to teach you how to invent... ⌟

: ̗̀➛ no warnings..fluffy tails

: ̗̀➛ shitpost <:

: ̗̀➛ shitpost <:

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- 💛 -

"if you got any questions, just ask!"

tails chirped after he explained his ways of experimenting to you. you stared blankly at the junks of metal that was gifted in front of you. 

"what- what am i doing again?" you asked, looking towards tails with a nervous smile. 

"well-- anything, to be honest. just let your imagination run wild!"

you smiled as his childlish behavoir and sighed looking back to the metal. 

"you, tails? you in here?"

your eyes darted over to sonic, who ran in tails' workshop, leaving a trail of dirt behind him. 

"yeah! what's up, sonic?" he asked.

"i'm bored! wanna come with me and ames to the park? i hear theres this new ice cream shop with new flavors just around it.."sonic asked and tails' eyes lit up at the word 'ice cream'. 

"do i!? y/n, wanna come?" tails asked and you shook your head.

"i'm alright! i wanna stay here and try to invent something!" you said with confindance. tails smiled and hums in response, following sonic out of his workshop and towards to the park where amy would meet up with them. 


tails returned to his workshop, only to find it on...fire??!! he's first thought was your safety. he bolted inside it, after calling for sonic on his communicator. after running in, he could see you panicking and running across the burning workshop. 

"y/n! what happened?" tails shouted out for you, and you let out a whine. 

"i don't know! i was just playing with...what ever it was, and it blew up and then this happened!" you shouted back, and that's when sonic appeared at the scene.

"whoa! who left the oven on while we were gone?" sonic joked, but held a serious tone. thinking fast, he grabbed the fire extinguisher and took out the fire with it. 

the fire was put out as sonic ran around the workshop and took it out. you helf your head down low, ashamed of yourself.

"y/n, are you okay?" tails asked, not worried about the damage and held you close, having you bend down just a bit.

"yeah, i'm fine. but...your workshop. it's destoryed because of me..."

"it may be...but all of this can be replaced. if you gotten hurt...there's no replacing you! i couldn't live with myself knowing i could have helped you, but didn't do anything!"

tails removes himself from you and smiles, making you chuckle and sigh.

"i still going to be the world's best inventor? right-" you laugh, but tails just grinned.

"maybe even better then me."

𝙓𝙊𝙓𝙊 (kisses, hugs) | various!sonic x readerWhere stories live. Discover now