Shadow | Hide N' Seek

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✎ ⌜you wanted to test out your portal powers; what better way than to make it a game <3 ⌟

❐ some swearing, cuz...well it's shadow...

❐ enjoy 🖤

❐ enjoy 🖤

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you flipped a page in your book as you sat on the couch at amy's place. she invited you and many of your other friends for a small hangout session, but that changed once shadow and sonic crossed paths.

"faker! that's MY orange juice!"

"no it's not- since when was this yours?"

"when i called it mine!"

you let out a sigh, closed your book, and stood up. turning your body you stepped forward, only to fall into a portal you summoned, and the next thing you knew you were seen appearing in front of the two fighting hedgehogs, using your hands to hold them back by their faces.

"how about...we play a game?" you asked after taking a long inhale, and pushing the two away, crossing your arms you holding your pressure onto your right leg as you leaned to the side. 

cream, who was sitting on the couch watching a cartoon with her chao, cheese, gasped and ran up to you with a uge smile.

"oh! mrs. y/n! may we play?" she asked and you smiled, kneeling down to her level and placing your forehead to her own. "of course sweet pea!" after you pecked her temple, you asked if any of the others would want to play.

"okay, so we have, me, cream, amy, sonic, knuckles, tails, and silver! we need one more player!' you explained to the group. "well who else can play?" amy asked, and your eyes lit up as they darted over to shadow.

he sat by the kitchen counter and took a sip of the orange juice before locking eyes with you when he felt you stare at him.

"nope." he stood up and was about to walk out the front door to head out, you appeared in front of him and placed a hand on his chest. your sudden action 'scared' him and he jumped a little, spilling most od the juice STILL in his hand all over his chest and fur.

"goddammit! i hate it when you do that!" he murmured and looked back up to you after wiping most of the juice off with his gloved hand and he cringed when he saw your puppy eyes.

he let out the loudest sigh you've heard and smiled when he turned back around and sat beside tails and silver. 






knuckles was the seeker and since amy's house was pretty big, you all set boundaries. no leaving amy's property. you can go in the backyard and front yard, but if you step out you're automatically caught.

knuckles began to count and you all ran to find a hiding spot. you used your portal abilities to teleport to amy's room and laughed as you ran into her bathroom. you looked up and down before getting an idea. opening the drawer under the sink and was able to squeeze into it.

(yall, i'm actually able to do this, so don't say that's impossible <3)

a few moments passed, and you believe silver, cream, and amy were caught. by your guess. soon you heard the bathroom door open a pair of footsteps echoed through the drawer. covering your mouth, you saw the shadow of the figure stop right in front of the crack.

moments later the cabinet swung open and you panicked.

"invasive maneuvers!" you scream before throwing rolls of toilet paper at the figure and using her powers to teleport away. you found yourself in the living room, falling on your bottom as you fell from the ceiling.

"found you y/n!"

you cocked an eyebrow, looking back to find amy by the kitchen, pointing a finger at you. "wait...if your down here...then who--"



shadow stomped down the stairs and glared at you. you gulped and felt sonic jump beside you on the couch.

"damn- y/n, what did you do?" sonic laughed, actually surprised at how pissed shadow is. once you saw the t-peed shadow, you bolted, only to have him bolt after you.

"c'mon ya little!-"

"no! don't touch mee!"

"what was the toilet paper for!?"

"i thought you were amy! and for all that's holy, it's TOILET pah-AAHPERE! NAH THAT TIHICKLES! SHADOW!"

sonic and amy watched from afar, shadow tackling you gently to the ground and digging into your ribs with no mercy, trying to teach you a 'lesson'.

amy sighed, "should we help her?"

"nah, let him get this out of his system...he'll be done in the next...had to guess; the next hour?" sonic responded.

"wanna get some smoothies?" amy asked, your laughter echoing in the room.

"uh- i'm down..." 

"uhm. mr. sonic...should we not-"

cream heard your laughter as you cried out for her for help, but silver lifted cream up with his telekinesis and smiled.

"y/n will be just fine. now...who wants a smoothie?"


𝙓𝙊𝙓𝙊 (kisses, hugs) | various!sonic x readerWhere stories live. Discover now