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TW : Slight panic attack, Anxiety

Hazel's POV :

It was my first day at the new school and I was so impatient to make new friends, to learn new things. School is a bit hard because I have ADHD but usually the teachers are very comprehensive and my meds are helping me a lot. I can't lie, I was a bit nervous but my moms made it all easier.

"Hazel ! Breakfast is ready !" Yelled mom Mina from downstairs. I ran to the kitchen as mom Delia placed a plate full of fruits and pancakes in front of me.

"Thanks mom !" I started eating the pancakes but not the fruits. Mom gave me the look which says 'Eat also the fruits.'

"But you put pineapple, you know I don't like pineapple." I pouted.

"Honey, it's vitamins it's important for your first day at school."

"It'll give you the energy you need." Completed my other mom..

I sighed and ate the fruits. I finished getting ready as mom Mina was waiting for me downstairs.

"Hazel !! We're gonna be late ! Hurry baby !"

I ran again in the stairs while mom Delia made her way to hug me.

"Gosh, you're gonna fall one day. Stop running in the house." She said sternly still softly, and she kissed my forehead. "Have a good day my sweet love."

"Have a good day too mom !" I screamed already sitting in the car. Mom Mina came to the driver sit and started driving.

"Are you ready ? Do you have everything you need ?" She asked me.

"Yes I think so..." I say rummaging in my bag, looking for my books, my pencil case, my snack, my fidgets... My fidgets ! I couldn't find them.

"Mom I forgot my fidgets !!" I said panic creeping inside me.

"Okay, calm down honey. Let's just take a look." She answered parking the car in front of the school. She took my bag and searched during long seconds.

"Well, yes you forgot them... I should have checked before leaving..." She sighed.

"It's not your fault mom. It's mine... I was so excited this morning I didn't take the time to pack correctly my bag, I'm so stupid." I stated as I started hitting my head with my left hand. My mom was quick to stop me by taking my hand in hers.

"Hey, stop, stop. Don't hurt yourself. It's okay to forget things."

But I was still panicking and tears were streaming down my face. "No ! I'm so stupid, I can't even think of one of the most important thing for me, I'm an idiot and- and I'm such a cry baby !" I cried wiping the flow of tears on my cheeks. Without releasing my hand, mom held my chin with her other hand, lifting my head with her index finger so that I was obliged to look at her.

"Don't-You-Never-Say-That. You're everything but an idiot. You're so smart and incredible, and I tell you, it's more than okay to forget things. Look, mom always forgets that I'm allergic to tomatoes. And I can't remember the amount of time I forgot to clean the dishes. You see ? And it's okay, it doesn't make me or mom either an idiot or a stupid person."

I nodded and by this time, my tears were gone. Mom was so good at comforting me, but I knew it was difficult for her to see me like that and to try to convince me of something I was sure of.

"B-but I still don't have my fidgets." I whispered. Mom winked at me and opened the glove box to few fidgets. My eyes widen and I jumped to hug her.

"You're the best." I murmured in her ear.

"I know." She smiled pulling off the hug. She then looked at her watch. "It's time to go baby girl ! I'll pick you up after school. I'll park the car right here, okay ?"

"Yes ! Thank you again mom." I walked out of the car. "See you later !"

She blew a kiss in my direction and watched me walk inside the building. I was so happy to have the two best mothers of the whole world that I couldn't help but smile at myself.

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